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Using the View .xib Template
The iOS View XIB template in allows adding a stand-alone .xib file that can be attached to some backing class. This allows a reusable views to be designed in Xamarin Designer for iOS. However, to use such a view requires manually creating a backing view class. This recipe demonstrates creating a view in the iOS Designer and connecting it to a backing C# class in your IDE.


First, create a new solution named TestApp using the Single View Application template, and add a new file to it called SomeView using the View file template, as shown below:

This creates a new file called SomeView.xib.

Double-click SomeView.xib to open it in the Xamarin Designer for iOS.

At this point controls can be added to the .xib. As an example, search the toolbox for label drag a UILabel onto the design surface as shown below:

However, since the .xib has not been connected to any backing class, we cannot yet manage properties nor handle events on the controls in the view. For example buttons should have behaviour that responds to the user's touch, and labels may need to be updated based on user input. To interact with the .xib programmatically we need to have two files:

  • View partial class – This class handles everything that happens in the view from the frame size, event handling, and contains the constructor that describes the view whenever it is instantiated.
  • Designer partial class – This maps the .xib controls to C# objects and is the glue that makes the controls we defined in the .xib available in the View partial class. The designer file is auto-generated by Visual Studio for Mac. It should never be edited by hand as Visual Studio for Mac will just overwrite manual changes the next time the .xib is updated.

To connect these C# files to our .xib file, select the root view on the design surface, and under Widget > Identity set the Class to SomeView and press Enter:

This will create the two classes – SomeView.cs and SomeView.designer.cs – in our solution :

The result will be a reusable view that can be included in any view hierarchy as with any other view.

This differs from the ViewController template, whose Storyboard file comes already connected to a backing class that is auto-generated by Visual Studio for Mac when the project is created. In that case, the class is a UIViewController.

We can now manage the properties of the controls in the view, such as the label we added earlier. To interact with our UILabel control using code, we must give it a unique identifier so that it can be accessed in the C# backing code for the view. To do this select the label on the designer surface, and under Widget > Identity > Name in the Properties Pad enter MyLabel:

If we open SomeView.designer.cs, we can see that the label has been defined:

[Register ("SomeView")]
	partial class SomeView
		[GeneratedCode ("iOS Designer", "1.0")]
		UILabel MyLabel { get; set; }

		void ReleaseDesignerOutlets ()
			if (MyLabel != null) {
				MyLabel.Dispose ();
				MyLabel = null;

Now that we have everything connected, we can add code to create the View.

In the SomeView class add the following namespaces and constructors to load the view from the XIB file we just created:

using Foundation;
using System;
using System.CodeDom.Compiler;
using UIKit;
using ObjCRuntime;

namespace TestApp
	partial class SomeView : UIView
		public SomeView (IntPtr handle) : base (handle)

		public static SomeView Create()
			var arr = NSBundle.MainBundle.LoadNib ("SomeView", null, null);
			var v = Runtime.GetNSObject<SomeView> (arr.ValueAt(0));
			return v;

		public override void AwakeFromNib(){

			MyLabel.Text = "hello from the SomeView class";


Here we also loaded the view from the XIB in the Create method and edited the Text property of the label.

The SomeView class in now ready to use. In the ViewController class, create an instance of SomeView by calling the Create method and add it to the view hierarchy, as shown below:

public partial class ViewController : UIViewController
	SomeView v;

	public ViewController (IntPtr handle) : base (handle)

	public override void ViewDidLoad ()
		base.ViewDidLoad ();
		// Perform any additional setup after loading the view, typically from a nib.

		v = SomeView.Create();
		v.Frame = View.Frame;
		View.AddSubview (v);

Run the application now and the view from the .xib is loaded and displayed:


The iOS View template allow custom view to be designed in Xamarin Designer for iOS.