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128 lines (85 loc) · 2.4 KB

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128 lines (85 loc) · 2.4 KB
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Namespace Android

Type Changed: Android.IncludeAndroidResourcesFromAttribute

Added properties:

public string SourceUrl { get; set; }
	public string Version { get; set; }

Namespace Android.AccessibilityServices

New Type Android.AccessibilityServices.AccessibilityServiceCapabilities

public enum AccessibilityServiceCapabilities {
	None = 0,

Namespace Android.Content.PM

Type Changed: Android.Content.PM.ActivityInfoFlags

Added values:

None = 0,

Namespace Android.Runtime

Type Changed: Android.Runtime.JNIEnv

Added methods:

public static void CheckHandle (System.IntPtr jnienv);
	public static System.IntPtr GetObjectArrayElement (System.IntPtr array, int index);
	public static void SetObjectArrayElement (System.IntPtr array, int index, System.IntPtr value);

Namespace Android.Telephony

Type Changed: Android.Telephony.PhoneNumberUtils

Removed fields:

public static const int TOAInternational;
	public static const int TOAUnknown;

Added fields:

[Obsolete ("This constant will be removed in the future version. Use Android.Telephony.PhoneNumberToa enum directly instead of this field.")]
	public static const PhoneNumberToa TOAInternational;

	[Obsolete ("This constant will be removed in the future version. Use Android.Telephony.PhoneNumberToa enum directly instead of this field.")]
	public static const PhoneNumberToa TOAUnknown;

New Type Android.Telephony.PhoneNumberToa

public enum PhoneNumberToa {
	International = 145,
	Unknown = 129,

Namespace Android.Widget

Type Changed: Android.Widget.AbsListView

Added properties:

public override IListAdapter Adapter { get; set; }

Namespace Java.Interop

Type Changed: Java.Interop.ExportAttribute

Added properties:

public string SuperArgumentsString { get; set; }

Type Changed: Java.Interop.JavaLibraryReferenceAttribute

Added properties:

public string SourceUrl { get; set; }
	public string Version { get; set; }

Namespace Java.Lang

Type Changed: Java.Lang.Object

Added methods:

public static T GetObject<T> (System.IntPtr jnienv, System.IntPtr handle, Android.Runtime.JniHandleOwnership transfer);

Type Changed: Java.Lang.Throwable

Added properties:

public Class Class { get; }