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3450 lines (2847 loc) · 116 KB

File metadata and controls

3450 lines (2847 loc) · 116 KB
id title


Namespace OpenTK.Graphics.ES10

Type Changed: OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.AmdCompressed3Dctexture

Removed value:

	AmdCompressed3DcTexture = 1,

Type Changed: OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.AmdCompressedAtctexture

Removed value:

	AmdCompressedAtcTexture = 1,

Type Changed: OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.ExtBlendMinmax

Removed value:

	ExtBlendMinmax = 1,

Type Changed: OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.ExtDiscardFramebuffer

Removed value:

	ExtDiscardFramebuffer = 1,

Type Changed: OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.ExtReadFormatBgra

Removed value:

	ExtReadFormatBgra = 1,

Type Changed: OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.ExtTextureFilterAnisotropic

Removed value:

	ExtTextureFilterAnisotropic = 1,

Type Changed: OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.ExtTextureFormatBgra8888

Removed value:

	ExtTextureFormatBgra8888 = 1,

Type Changed: OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.ExtTextureLodBias

Removed value:

	ExtTextureLodBias = 1,

Type Changed: OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.ImgMultisampledRenderToTexture

Removed value:

	ImgMultisampledRenderToTexture = 1,

Type Changed: OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.ImgReadFormat

Removed value:

	ImgReadFormat = 1,

Type Changed: OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.ImgTextureCompressionPvrtc

Removed value:

	ImgTextureCompressionPvrtc = 1,

Type Changed: OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.ImgTextureEnvEnhancedFixedFunction

Removed value:

	ImgTextureEnvEnhancedFixedFunction = 1,

Type Changed: OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.ImgUserClipPlane

Removed value:

	ImgUserClipPlane = 1,

Type Changed: OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.NvFence

Removed value:

	NvFence = 1,

Type Changed: OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.OesBlendFuncSeparate

Removed value:

	OesBlendFuncSeparate = 1,

Type Changed: OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.OesBlendSubtract

Removed value:

	OesBlendSubtract = 1,

Type Changed: OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.OesCompressedEtc1Rgb8Texture

Removed value:

	OesCompressedEtc1Rgb8Texture = 1,

Type Changed: OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.OesCompressedPalettedTexture

Removed value:

	OesCompressedPalettedTexture = 1,

Type Changed: OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.OesDepth24

Removed value:

	OesDepth24 = 1,

Type Changed: OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.OesDepth32

Removed value:

	OesDepth32 = 1,

Type Changed: OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.OesDrawTexture

Removed value:

	OesDrawTexture = 1,

Type Changed: OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.OesEglImageExternal

Removed value:

	OesEglImageExternal = 1,

Type Changed: OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.OesElementIndexUint

Removed value:

	OesElementIndexUint = 1,

Type Changed: OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.OesFixedPoint

Removed value:

	OesFixedPoint = 1,

Type Changed: OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.OesFramebufferObject

Removed value:

	OesFramebufferObject = 1,

Type Changed: OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.OesMapbuffer

Removed value:

	OesMapbuffer = 1,

Type Changed: OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.OesMatrixGet

Removed value:

	OesMatrixGet = 1,

Type Changed: OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.OesMatrixPalette

Removed value:

	OesMatrixPalette = 1,

Type Changed: OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.OesPackedDepthStencil

Removed value:

	OesPackedDepthStencil = 1,

Type Changed: OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.OesPointSizeArray

Removed value:

	OesPointSizeArray = 1,

Type Changed: OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.OesPointSprite

Removed value:

	OesPointSprite = 1,

Type Changed: OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.OesReadFormat

Removed value:

	OesReadFormat = 1,

Type Changed: OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.OesRgb8Rgba8

Removed value:

	OesRgb8Rgba8 = 1,

Type Changed: OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.OesStencil1

Removed value:

	OesStencil1 = 1,

Type Changed: OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.OesStencil4

Removed value:

	OesStencil4 = 1,

Type Changed: OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.OesStencil8

Removed value:

	OesStencil8 = 1,

Type Changed: OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.OesStencilWrap

Removed value:

	OesStencilWrap = 1,

Type Changed: OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.OesTextureCubeMap

Removed value:

	OesTextureCubeMap = 1,

Type Changed: OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.OesTextureMirroredRepeat

Removed value:

	OesTextureMirroredRepeat = 1,

Type Changed: OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.OesVertexArrayObject

Removed value:

	OesVertexArrayObject = 1,

Type Changed: OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.QcomExtendedGet

Removed value:

	QcomExtendedGet = 1,

Type Changed: OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.QcomPerfmonGlobalMode

Removed value:

	QcomPerfmonGlobalMode = 1,

Type Changed: OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.QcomTiledRendering

Removed value:

	QcomTiledRendering = 1,

Type Changed: OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.QcomWriteonlyRendering

Removed value:

	QcomWriteonlyRendering = 1,

Removed Type OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.AppleTexture2DlimitedNpot

Removed Type OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.ExtMultiDrawArrays

Removed Type OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.OesBlendEquationSeparate

Removed Type OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.OesByteCoordinates

Removed Type OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.OesEglImage

Removed Type OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.OesExtendedMatrixPalette

Removed Type OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.OesFboRenderMipmap

Removed Type OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.OesQueryMatrix

Removed Type OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.OesSinglePrecision

Removed Type OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.OesTextureEnvCrossbar

Removed Type OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.QcomDriverControl

Removed Type OpenTK.Graphics.ES10.QcomExtendedGet2

Namespace OpenTK.Graphics.ES11

Type Changed: OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.AmdCompressed3Dctexture

Removed value:

	AmdCompressed3DcTexture = 1,

Type Changed: OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.AmdCompressedAtctexture

Removed value:

	AmdCompressedAtcTexture = 1,

Type Changed: OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.ExtBlendMinmax

Removed value:

	ExtBlendMinmax = 1,

Type Changed: OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.ExtDiscardFramebuffer

Removed value:

	ExtDiscardFramebuffer = 1,

Type Changed: OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.ExtReadFormatBgra

Removed value:

	ExtReadFormatBgra = 1,

Type Changed: OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.ExtTextureFilterAnisotropic

Removed value:

	ExtTextureFilterAnisotropic = 1,

Type Changed: OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.ExtTextureFormatBgra8888

Removed value:

	ExtTextureFormatBgra8888 = 1,

Type Changed: OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.ExtTextureLodBias

Removed value:

	ExtTextureLodBias = 1,

Type Changed: OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.ImgMultisampledRenderToTexture

Removed value:

	ImgMultisampledRenderToTexture = 1,

Type Changed: OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.ImgReadFormat

Removed value:

	ImgReadFormat = 1,

Type Changed: OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.ImgTextureCompressionPvrtc

Removed value:

	ImgTextureCompressionPvrtc = 1,

Type Changed: OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.ImgTextureEnvEnhancedFixedFunction

Removed value:

	ImgTextureEnvEnhancedFixedFunction = 1,

Type Changed: OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.ImgUserClipPlane

Removed value:

	ImgUserClipPlane = 1,

Type Changed: OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.NvFence

Removed value:

	NvFence = 1,

Type Changed: OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.OesBlendFuncSeparate

Removed value:

	OesBlendFuncSeparate = 1,

Type Changed: OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.OesBlendSubtract

Removed value:

	OesBlendSubtract = 1,

Type Changed: OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.OesCompressedEtc1Rgb8Texture

Removed value:

	OesCompressedEtc1Rgb8Texture = 1,

Type Changed: OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.OesCompressedPalettedTexture

Removed value:

	OesCompressedPalettedTexture = 1,

Type Changed: OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.OesDepth24

Removed value:

	OesDepth24 = 1,

Type Changed: OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.OesDepth32

Removed value:

	OesDepth32 = 1,

Type Changed: OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.OesDrawTexture

Removed value:

	OesDrawTexture = 1,

Type Changed: OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.OesEglImageExternal

Removed value:

	OesEglImageExternal = 1,

Type Changed: OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.OesElementIndexUint

Removed value:

	OesElementIndexUint = 1,

Type Changed: OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.OesFixedPoint

Removed value:

	OesFixedPoint = 1,

Type Changed: OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.OesFramebufferObject

Removed value:

	OesFramebufferObject = 1,

Type Changed: OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.OesMapbuffer

Removed value:

	OesMapbuffer = 1,

Type Changed: OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.OesMatrixGet

Removed value:

	OesMatrixGet = 1,

Type Changed: OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.OesMatrixPalette

Removed value:

	OesMatrixPalette = 1,

Type Changed: OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.OesPackedDepthStencil

Removed value:

	OesPackedDepthStencil = 1,

Type Changed: OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.OesPointSizeArray

Removed value:

	OesPointSizeArray = 1,

Type Changed: OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.OesPointSprite

Removed value:

	OesPointSprite = 1,

Type Changed: OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.OesReadFormat

Removed value:

	OesReadFormat = 1,

Type Changed: OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.OesRgb8Rgba8

Removed value:

	OesRgb8Rgba8 = 1,

Type Changed: OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.OesStencil1

Removed value:

	OesStencil1 = 1,

Type Changed: OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.OesStencil4

Removed value:

	OesStencil4 = 1,

Type Changed: OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.OesStencil8

Removed value:

	OesStencil8 = 1,

Type Changed: OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.OesStencilWrap

Removed value:

	OesStencilWrap = 1,

Type Changed: OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.OesTextureCubeMap

Removed value:

	OesTextureCubeMap = 1,

Type Changed: OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.OesTextureMirroredRepeat

Removed value:

	OesTextureMirroredRepeat = 1,

Type Changed: OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.OesVertexArrayObject

Removed value:

	OesVertexArrayObject = 1,

Type Changed: OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.QcomExtendedGet

Removed value:

	QcomExtendedGet = 1,

Type Changed: OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.QcomPerfmonGlobalMode

Removed value:

	QcomPerfmonGlobalMode = 1,

Type Changed: OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.QcomTiledRendering

Removed value:

	QcomTiledRendering = 1,

Type Changed: OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.QcomWriteonlyRendering

Removed value:

	QcomWriteonlyRendering = 1,

Removed Type OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.AppleTexture2DlimitedNpot

Removed Type OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.ExtMultiDrawArrays

Removed Type OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.OesBlendEquationSeparate

Removed Type OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.OesByteCoordinates

Removed Type OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.OesEglImage

Removed Type OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.OesExtendedMatrixPalette

Removed Type OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.OesFboRenderMipmap

Removed Type OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.OesQueryMatrix

Removed Type OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.OesSinglePrecision

Removed Type OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.OesTextureEnvCrossbar

Removed Type OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.QcomDriverControl

Removed Type OpenTK.Graphics.ES11.QcomExtendedGet2

Namespace OpenTK.Graphics.ES20

Type Changed: OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.All

Added values:

	ActiveProgramExt = 33369,
	AllShaderBitsExt = -1,
	Alpha16fExt = 34844,
	Alpha32fExt = 34838,
	Alpha8Ext = 32828,
	Alpha8Oes = 32828,
	AlphaTestFuncQcom = 3009,
	AlphaTestQcom = 3008,
	AlphaTestRefQcom = 3010,
	AlreadySignaledApple = 37146,
	AnySamplesPassedConservativeExt = 36202,
	AnySamplesPassedExt = 35887,
	Bgra8Ext = 37793,
	BinningControlHintQcom = 36784,
	BlendAdvancedCoherentKhr = 37509,
	BlendAdvancedCoherentNv = 37509,
	BlendOverlapNv = 37505,
	BlendPremultipliedSrcNv = 37504,
	BlueNv = 6405,
	BufferKhr = 33504,
	BufferObjectExt = 37201,
	ClampToBorderExt = 33069,
	ClampToBorderNv = 33069,
	ColorAttachment0Ext = 36064,
	ColorAttachment0Nv = 36064,
	ColorAttachment10Ext = 36074,
	ColorAttachment10Nv = 36074,
	ColorAttachment11Ext = 36075,
	ColorAttachment11Nv = 36075,
	ColorAttachment12Ext = 36076,
	ColorAttachment12Nv = 36076,
	ColorAttachment13Ext = 36077,
	ColorAttachment13Nv = 36077,
	ColorAttachment14Ext = 36078,
	ColorAttachment14Nv = 36078,
	ColorAttachment15Ext = 36079,
	ColorAttachment15Nv = 36079,
	ColorAttachment1Ext = 36065,
	ColorAttachment1Nv = 36065,
	ColorAttachment2Ext = 36066,
	ColorAttachment2Nv = 36066,
	ColorAttachment3Ext = 36067,
	ColorAttachment3Nv = 36067,
	ColorAttachment4Ext = 36068,
	ColorAttachment4Nv = 36068,
	ColorAttachment5Ext = 36069,
	ColorAttachment5Nv = 36069,
	ColorAttachment6Ext = 36070,
	ColorAttachment6Nv = 36070,
	ColorAttachment7Ext = 36071,
	ColorAttachment7Nv = 36071,
	ColorAttachment8Ext = 36072,
	ColorAttachment8Nv = 36072,
	ColorAttachment9Ext = 36073,
	ColorAttachment9Nv = 36073,
	ColorAttachmentExt = 37104,
	ColorburnKhr = 37530,
	ColorburnNv = 37530,
	ColordodgeKhr = 37529,
	ColordodgeNv = 37529,
	CompareRefToTextureExt = 34894,
	CompressedRgbaAstc10X10Khr = 37819,
	CompressedRgbaAstc10X5Khr = 37816,
	CompressedRgbaAstc10X6Khr = 37817,
	CompressedRgbaAstc10X8Khr = 37818,
	CompressedRgbaAstc12X10Khr = 37820,
	CompressedRgbaAstc12X12Khr = 37821,
	CompressedRgbaAstc3X3x3Oes = 37824,
	CompressedRgbaAstc4X3x3Oes = 37825,
	CompressedRgbaAstc4X4Khr = 37808,
	CompressedRgbaAstc4X4x3Oes = 37826,
	CompressedRgbaAstc4X4x4Oes = 37827,
	CompressedRgbaAstc5X4Khr = 37809,
	CompressedRgbaAstc5X4x4Oes = 37828,
	CompressedRgbaAstc5X5Khr = 37810,
	CompressedRgbaAstc5X5x4Oes = 37829,
	CompressedRgbaAstc5X5x5Oes = 37830,
	CompressedRgbaAstc6X5Khr = 37811,
	CompressedRgbaAstc6X5x5Oes = 37831,
	CompressedRgbaAstc6X6Khr = 37812,
	CompressedRgbaAstc6X6x5Oes = 37832,
	CompressedRgbaAstc6X6x6Oes = 37833,
	CompressedRgbaAstc8X5Khr = 37813,
	CompressedRgbaAstc8X6Khr = 37814,
	CompressedRgbaAstc8X8Khr = 37815,
	CompressedRgbaPvrtc2Bppv2Img = 37175,
	CompressedRgbaPvrtc4Bppv2Img = 37176,
	CompressedRgbaS3tcDxt3Angle = 33778,
	CompressedRgbaS3tcDxt3Ext = 33778,
	CompressedRgbaS3tcDxt5Angle = 33779,
	CompressedRgbaS3tcDxt5Ext = 33779,
	CompressedSrgb8Alpha8Astc10X10Khr = 37851,
	CompressedSrgb8Alpha8Astc10X5Khr = 37848,
	CompressedSrgb8Alpha8Astc10X6Khr = 37849,
	CompressedSrgb8Alpha8Astc10X8Khr = 37850,
	CompressedSrgb8Alpha8Astc12X10Khr = 37852,
	CompressedSrgb8Alpha8Astc12X12Khr = 37853,
	CompressedSrgb8Alpha8Astc3X3x3Oes = 37856,
	CompressedSrgb8Alpha8Astc4X3x3Oes = 37857,
	CompressedSrgb8Alpha8Astc4X4Khr = 37840,
	CompressedSrgb8Alpha8Astc4X4x3Oes = 37858,
	CompressedSrgb8Alpha8Astc4X4x4Oes = 37859,
	CompressedSrgb8Alpha8Astc5X4Khr = 37841,
	CompressedSrgb8Alpha8Astc5X4x4Oes = 37860,
	CompressedSrgb8Alpha8Astc5X5Khr = 37842,
	CompressedSrgb8Alpha8Astc5X5x4Oes = 37861,
	CompressedSrgb8Alpha8Astc5X5x5Oes = 37862,
	CompressedSrgb8Alpha8Astc6X5Khr = 37843,
	CompressedSrgb8Alpha8Astc6X5x5Oes = 37863,
	CompressedSrgb8Alpha8Astc6X6Khr = 37844,
	CompressedSrgb8Alpha8Astc6X6x5Oes = 37864,
	CompressedSrgb8Alpha8Astc6X6x6Oes = 37865,
	CompressedSrgb8Alpha8Astc8X5Khr = 37845,
	CompressedSrgb8Alpha8Astc8X6Khr = 37846,
	CompressedSrgb8Alpha8Astc8X8Khr = 37847,
	CompressedSrgbAlphaPvrtc2Bppv1Ext = 35414,
	CompressedSrgbAlphaPvrtc2Bppv2Img = 37872,
	CompressedSrgbAlphaPvrtc4Bppv1Ext = 35415,
	CompressedSrgbAlphaPvrtc4Bppv2Img = 37873,
	CompressedSrgbAlphaS3tcDxt1Nv = 35917,
	CompressedSrgbAlphaS3tcDxt3Nv = 35918,
	CompressedSrgbAlphaS3tcDxt5Nv = 35919,
	CompressedSrgbPvrtc2Bppv1Ext = 35412,
	CompressedSrgbPvrtc4Bppv1Ext = 35413,
	CompressedSrgbS3tcDxt1Nv = 35916,
	ConditionSatisfiedApple = 37148,
	ConjointNv = 37508,
	ContextFlagDebugBitKhr = 2,
	ContextRobustAccessExt = 37107,
	ContrastNv = 37537,
	CopyReadBufferNv = 36662,
	CopyWriteBufferNv = 36663,
	CpuOptimizedQcom = 36785,
	CurrentQueryExt = 34917,
	DarkenKhr = 37527,
	DarkenNv = 37527,
	DebugCallbackFunctionKhr = 33348,
	DebugCallbackUserParamKhr = 33349,
	DebugGroupStackDepthKhr = 33389,
	DebugLoggedMessagesKhr = 37189,
	DebugNextLoggedMessageLengthKhr = 33347,
	DebugOutputKhr = 37600,
	DebugOutputSynchronousKhr = 33346,
	DebugSeverityHighKhr = 37190,
	DebugSeverityLowKhr = 37192,
	DebugSeverityMediumKhr = 37191,
	DebugSeverityNotificationKhr = 33387,
	DebugSourceApiKhr = 33350,
	DebugSourceApplicationKhr = 33354,
	DebugSourceOtherKhr = 33355,
	DebugSourceShaderCompilerKhr = 33352,
	DebugSourceThirdPartyKhr = 33353,
	DebugSourceWindowSystemKhr = 33351,
	DebugTypeDeprecatedBehaviorKhr = 33357,
	DebugTypeErrorKhr = 33356,
	DebugTypeMarkerKhr = 33384,
	DebugTypeOtherKhr = 33361,
	DebugTypePerformanceKhr = 33360,
	DebugTypePopGroupKhr = 33386,
	DebugTypePortabilityKhr = 33359,
	DebugTypePushGroupKhr = 33385,
	DebugTypeUndefinedBehaviorKhr = 33358,
	DecodeExt = 35401,
	DepthComponent16Oes = 33189,
	DifferenceKhr = 37534,
	DifferenceNv = 37534,
	DisjointNv = 37507,
	DrawBuffer0Ext = 34853,
	DrawBuffer0Nv = 34853,
	DrawBuffer10Ext = 34863,
	DrawBuffer10Nv = 34863,
	DrawBuffer11Ext = 34864,
	DrawBuffer11Nv = 34864,
	DrawBuffer12Ext = 34865,
	DrawBuffer12Nv = 34865,
	DrawBuffer13Ext = 34866,
	DrawBuffer13Nv = 34866,
	DrawBuffer14Ext = 34867,
	DrawBuffer14Nv = 34867,
	DrawBuffer15Ext = 34868,
	DrawBuffer15Nv = 34868,
	DrawBuffer1Ext = 34854,
	DrawBuffer1Nv = 34854,
	DrawBuffer2Ext = 34855,
	DrawBuffer2Nv = 34855,
	DrawBuffer3Ext = 34856,
	DrawBuffer3Nv = 34856,
	DrawBuffer4Ext = 34857,
	DrawBuffer4Nv = 34857,
	DrawBuffer5Ext = 34858,
	DrawBuffer5Nv = 34858,
	DrawBuffer6Ext = 34859,
	DrawBuffer6Nv = 34859,
	DrawBuffer7Ext = 34860,
	DrawBuffer7Nv = 34860,
	DrawBuffer8Ext = 34861,
	DrawBuffer8Nv = 34861,
	DrawBuffer9Ext = 34862,
	DrawBuffer9Nv = 34862,
	DrawBufferExt = 3073,
	DrawFramebufferAngle = 36009,
	DrawFramebufferApple = 36009,
	DrawFramebufferBindingAngle = 36006,
	DrawFramebufferBindingApple = 36006,
	DrawFramebufferBindingNv = 36006,
	DrawFramebufferNv = 36009,
	DstAtopNv = 37519,
	DstInNv = 37515,
	DstNv = 37511,
	DstOutNv = 37517,
	DstOverNv = 37513,
	Etc1Srgb8Nv = 35054,
	ExclusionKhr = 37536,
	ExclusionNv = 37536,
	FetchPerSampleArm = 36709,
	FirstVertexConventionExt = 36429,
	FloatMat2x3Nv = 35685,
	FloatMat2x4Nv = 35686,
	FloatMat3x2Nv = 35687,
	FloatMat3x4Nv = 35688,
	FloatMat4x2Nv = 35689,
	FloatMat4x3Nv = 35690,
	FractionalEvenExt = 36476,
	FractionalOddExt = 36475,
	FragmentInterpolationOffsetBitsOes = 36445,
	FragmentShaderBitExt = 2,
	FragmentShaderDiscardsSamplesExt = 35410,
	FragmentShaderFramebufferFetchMrtArm = 36710,
	FramebufferAttachmentAngle = 37795,
	FramebufferAttachmentColorEncodingExt = 33296,
	FramebufferAttachmentComponentTypeExt = 33297,
	FramebufferAttachmentLayeredExt = 36263,
	FramebufferAttachmentTextureSamplesExt = 36204,
	FramebufferDefaultLayersExt = 37650,
	FramebufferIncompleteLayerTargetsExt = 36264,
	FramebufferIncompleteMultisampleAngle = 36182,
	FramebufferIncompleteMultisampleApple = 36182,
	FramebufferIncompleteMultisampleExt = 36182,
	FramebufferIncompleteMultisampleNv = 36182,
	FramebufferSrgbExt = 36281,
	FramebufferUndefinedOes = 33305,
	GccsoShaderBinaryFj = 37472,
	GeometryLinkedInputTypeExt = 35095,
	GeometryLinkedOutputTypeExt = 35096,
	GeometryLinkedVerticesOutExt = 35094,
	GeometryShaderBitExt = 4,
	GeometryShaderExt = 36313,
	GeometryShaderInvocationsExt = 34943,
	GpuDisjointExt = 36795,
	GpuOptimizedQcom = 36786,
	GreenNv = 6404,
	GuiltyContextResetExt = 33363,
	HardlightKhr = 37531,
	HardlightNv = 37531,
	HardmixNv = 37545,
	HslColorKhr = 37551,
	HslColorNv = 37551,
	HslHueKhr = 37549,
	HslHueNv = 37549,
	HslLuminosityKhr = 37552,
	HslLuminosityNv = 37552,
	HslSaturationKhr = 37550,
	HslSaturationNv = 37550,
	ImageBufferExt = 36945,
	ImageCubeMapArrayExt = 36948,
	InnocentContextResetExt = 33364,
	IntImageBufferExt = 36956,
	IntImageCubeMapArrayExt = 36959,
	IntSampler2DMultisampleArrayOes = 37132,
	IntSamplerBufferExt = 36304,
	IntSamplerCubeMapArrayExt = 36878,
	InvertOvgNv = 37556,
	InvertRgbNv = 37539,
	IsolinesExt = 36474,
	IsPerPatchExt = 37607,
	LastVertexConventionExt = 36430,
	LayerProvokingVertexExt = 33374,
	LightenKhr = 37528,
	LightenNv = 37528,
	LinearburnNv = 37541,
	LineardodgeNv = 37540,
	LinearlightNv = 37543,
	LinesAdjacencyExt = 10,
	LineStripAdjacencyExt = 11,
	LoseContextOnResetExt = 33362,
	Luminance16fExt = 34846,
	Luminance32fExt = 34840,
	Luminance4Alpha4Oes = 32835,
	Luminance8Alpha8Ext = 32837,
	Luminance8Alpha8Oes = 32837,
	Luminance8Ext = 32832,
	Luminance8Oes = 32832,
	LuminanceAlpha16fExt = 34847,
	LuminanceAlpha32fExt = 34841,
	MaliProgramBinaryArm = 36705,
	MaliShaderBinaryArm = 36704,
	MapFlushExplicitBitExt = 16,
	MapInvalidateBufferBitExt = 8,
	MapInvalidateRangeBitExt = 4,
	MapReadBitExt = 1,
	MapUnsynchronizedBitExt = 32,
	MapWriteBitExt = 2,
	Max = 32776,
	MaxColorAttachmentsExt = 36063,
	MaxColorAttachmentsNv = 36063,
	MaxCombinedGeometryUniformComponentsExt = 35378,
	MaxCombinedTessControlUniformComponentsExt = 36382,
	MaxCombinedTessEvaluationUniformComponentsExt = 36383,
	MaxDebugGroupStackDepthKhr = 33388,
	MaxDebugLoggedMessagesKhr = 37188,
	MaxDebugMessageLengthKhr = 37187,
	MaxDrawBuffersExt = 34852,
	MaxDrawBuffersNv = 34852,
	MaxFragmentInterpolationOffsetOes = 36444,
	MaxFramebufferLayersExt = 37655,
	MaxGeometryAtomicCounterBuffersExt = 37583,
	MaxGeometryAtomicCountersExt = 37589,
	MaxGeometryImageUniformsExt = 37069,
	MaxGeometryInputComponentsExt = 37155,
	MaxGeometryOutputComponentsExt = 37156,
	MaxGeometryOutputVerticesExt = 36320,
	MaxGeometryShaderInvocationsExt = 36442,
	MaxGeometryShaderStorageBlocksExt = 37079,
	MaxGeometryTextureImageUnitsExt = 35881,
	MaxGeometryTotalOutputComponentsExt = 36321,
	MaxGeometryUniformBlocksExt = 35372,
	MaxGeometryUniformComponentsExt = 36319,
	MaxLabelLengthKhr = 33512,
	MaxMultiviewBuffersExt = 37106,
	MaxPatchVerticesExt = 36477,
	MaxSamplesAngle = 36183,
	MaxSamplesApple = 36183,
	MaxSamplesExt = 36183,
	MaxSamplesNv = 36183,
	MaxServerWaitTimeoutApple = 37137,
	MaxShaderPixelLocalStorageFastSizeExt = 36707,
	MaxShaderPixelLocalStorageSizeExt = 36711,
	MaxTessControlAtomicCounterBuffersExt = 37581,
	MaxTessControlAtomicCountersExt = 37587,
	MaxTessControlImageUniformsExt = 37067,
	MaxTessControlInputComponentsExt = 34924,
	MaxTessControlOutputComponentsExt = 36483,
	MaxTessControlShaderStorageBlocksExt = 37080,
	MaxTessControlTextureImageUnitsExt = 36481,
	MaxTessControlTotalOutputComponentsExt = 36485,
	MaxTessControlUniformBlocksExt = 36489,
	MaxTessControlUniformComponentsExt = 36479,
	MaxTessEvaluationAtomicCounterBuffersExt = 37582,
	MaxTessEvaluationAtomicCountersExt = 37588,
	MaxTessEvaluationImageUniformsExt = 37068,
	MaxTessEvaluationInputComponentsExt = 34925,
	MaxTessEvaluationOutputComponentsExt = 36486,
	MaxTessEvaluationShaderStorageBlocksExt = 37081,
	MaxTessEvaluationTextureImageUnitsExt = 36482,
	MaxTessEvaluationUniformBlocksExt = 36490,
	MaxTessEvaluationUniformComponentsExt = 36480,
	MaxTessGenLevelExt = 36478,
	MaxTessPatchComponentsExt = 36484,
	MaxTextureBufferSizeExt = 35883,
	Min = 32775,
	MinFragmentInterpolationOffsetOes = 36443,
	MinSampleShadingValueOes = 35895,
	MinusClampedNv = 37555,
	MinusNv = 37535,
	MultiplyKhr = 37524,
	MultiplyNv = 37524,
	MultiviewExt = 37105,
	NoResetNotificationExt = 33377,
	ObjectTypeApple = 37138,
	OverlayKhr = 37526,
	OverlayNv = 37526,
	PackReverseRowOrderAngle = 37796,
	PatchesExt = 14,
	PatchVerticesExt = 36466,
	PerfqueryCounterDataBool32Intel = 38140,
	PerfqueryCounterDataDoubleIntel = 38139,
	PerfqueryCounterDataFloatIntel = 38138,
	PerfqueryCounterDataUint32Intel = 38136,
	PerfqueryCounterDataUint64Intel = 38137,
	PerfqueryCounterDescLengthMaxIntel = 38143,
	PerfqueryCounterDurationNormIntel = 38129,
	PerfqueryCounterDurationRawIntel = 38130,
	PerfqueryCounterEventIntel = 38128,
	PerfqueryCounterNameLengthMaxIntel = 38142,
	PerfqueryCounterRawIntel = 38132,
	PerfqueryCounterThroughputIntel = 38131,
	PerfqueryCounterTimestampIntel = 38133,
	PerfqueryDonotFlushIntel = 33785,
	PerfqueryFlushIntel = 33786,
	PerfqueryGlobalContextIntel = 1,
	PerfqueryGpaExtendedCountersIntel = 38144,
	PerfqueryQueryNameLengthMaxIntel = 38141,
	PerfquerySingleContextIntel = 0,
	PerfqueryWaitIntel = 33787,
	PinlightNv = 37544,
	PlusClampedAlphaNv = 37554,
	PlusClampedNv = 37553,
	PlusDarkerNv = 37522,
	PlusNv = 37521,
	PrimitiveBoundingBoxExt = 37566,
	PrimitiveRestartForPatchesSupported = 33313,
	PrimitivesGeneratedExt = 35975,
	ProgramBinaryAngle = 37798,
	ProgramKhr = 33506,
	ProgramObjectExt = 35648,
	ProgramPipelineBindingExt = 33370,
	ProgramPipelineObjectExt = 35407,
	ProgramSeparableExt = 33368,
	QuadsExt = 7,
	QueryCounterBitsExt = 34916,
	QueryKhr = 33507,
	QueryObjectExt = 37203,
	QueryResultAvailableExt = 34919,
	QueryResultExt = 34918,
	R16fExt = 33325,
	R32fExt = 33326,
	R8Ext = 33321,
	ReadBufferExt = 3074,
	ReadBufferNv = 3074,
	ReadFramebufferAngle = 36008,
	ReadFramebufferApple = 36008,
	ReadFramebufferBindingAngle = 36010,
	ReadFramebufferBindingApple = 36010,
	ReadFramebufferBindingNv = 36010,
	ReadFramebufferNv = 36008,
	RedExt = 6403,
	RedNv = 6403,
	ReferencedByGeometryShaderExt = 37641,
	ReferencedByTessControlShaderExt = 37639,
	ReferencedByTessEvaluationShaderExt = 37640,
	RenderbufferSamplesAngle = 36011,
	RenderbufferSamplesApple = 36011,
	RenderbufferSamplesExt = 36011,
	RenderbufferSamplesNv = 36011,
	RenderDirectToFramebufferQcom = 36787,
	ResetNotificationStrategyExt = 33366,
	Rg16fExt = 33327,
	Rg32fExt = 33328,
	Rg8Ext = 33323,
	Rgb10A2Ext = 32857,
	Rgb10Ext = 32850,
	Rgb16fExt = 34843,
	Rgb32fExt = 34837,
	Rgb422Apple = 35359,
	Rgb565Oes = 36194,
	Rgb5A1Oes = 32855,
	Rgba16fExt = 34842,
	Rgba32fExt = 34836,
	Rgba4Oes = 32854,
	RgbRaw422Apple = 35409,
	RgExt = 33319,
	Sampler = 33510,
	Sampler2DArrayShadowNv = 36292,
	Sampler2DMultisampleArrayOes = 37131,
	Sampler2DShadowExt = 35682,
	SamplerBufferExt = 36290,
	SamplerCubeMapArrayExt = 36876,
	SamplerCubeMapArrayShadowExt = 36877,
	SamplerCubeShadowNv = 36293,
	SamplerKhr = 33510,
	SampleShadingOes = 35894,
	ScreenKhr = 37525,
	ScreenNv = 37525,
	ShaderBinaryDmp = 37456,
	ShaderBinaryViv = 36804,
	ShaderKhr = 33505,
	ShaderObjectExt = 35656,
	ShaderPixelLocalStorageExt = 36708,
	SignaledApple = 37145,
	SkipDecodeExt = 35402,
	Sluminance8Alpha8Nv = 35909,
	Sluminance8Nv = 35911,
	SluminanceAlphaNv = 35908,
	SluminanceNv = 35910,
	SoftlightKhr = 37532,
	SoftlightNv = 37532,
	SrcAtopNv = 37518,
	SrcInNv = 37514,
	SrcNv = 37510,
	SrcOutNv = 37516,
	SrcOverNv = 37512,
	Srgb8Alpha8Ext = 35907,
	Srgb8Nv = 35905,
	SrgbAlphaExt = 35906,
	SrgbExt = 35904,
	StackOverflowKhr = 1283,
	StackUnderflowKhr = 1284,
	StencilIndex8Oes = 36168,
	StencilIndexOes = 6401,
	SyncConditionApple = 37139,
	SyncFenceApple = 37142,
	SyncFlagsApple = 37141,
	SyncFlushCommandsBitApple = 1,
	SyncGpuCommandsCompleteApple = 37143,
	SyncObjectApple = 35411,
	SyncStatusApple = 37140,
	TessControlOutputVerticesExt = 36469,
	TessControlShaderBitExt = 8,
	TessControlShaderExt = 36488,
	TessEvaluationShaderBitExt = 16,
	TessEvaluationShaderExt = 36487,
	TessGenModeExt = 36470,
	TessGenPointModeExt = 36473,
	TessGenSpacingExt = 36471,
	TessGenVertexOrderExt = 36472,
	Texture2DMultisampleArrayOes = 37122,
	TextureBinding2DMultisampleArrayOes = 37125,
	TextureBindingBufferExt = 35884,
	TextureBindingCubeMapArrayExt = 36874,
	TextureBorderColorExt = 4100,
	TextureBorderColorNv = 4100,
	TextureBufferBindingExt = 35882,
	TextureBufferDataStoreBindingExt = 35885,
	TextureBufferExt = 35882,
	TextureBufferOffsetAlignmentExt = 37279,
	TextureBufferOffsetExt = 37277,
	TextureBufferSizeExt = 37278,
	TextureCompareFuncExt = 34893,
	TextureCompareModeExt = 34892,
	TextureCubeMapArrayExt = 36873,
	TextureImmutableFormatExt = 37167,
	TextureImmutableLevels = 33503,
	TextureMaxLevelApple = 33085,
	TextureSrgbDecodeExt = 35400,
	TextureUsageAngle = 37794,
	TextureViewMinLayerExt = 33501,
	TextureViewMinLevelExt = 33499,
	TextureViewNumLayersExt = 33502,
	TextureViewNumLevelsExt = 33500,
	TimeElapsedExt = 35007,
	TimeoutExpiredApple = 37147,
	TimeoutIgnoredApple = -1,
	TimestampExt = 36392,
	TransformFeedback = 36386,
	TranslatedShaderSourceLengthAngle = 37792,
	TrianglesAdjacencyExt = 12,
	TriangleStripAdjacencyExt = 13,
	UncorrelatedNv = 37506,
	UndefinedVertexExt = 33376,
	UnknownContextResetExt = 33365,
	UnpackRowLengthExt = 3314,
	UnpackSkipPixelsExt = 3316,
	UnpackSkipRowsExt = 3315,
	UnsignaledApple = 37144,
	UnsignedIntImageBufferExt = 36967,
	UnsignedIntImageCubeMapArrayExt = 36970,
	UnsignedIntSampler2DMultisampleArrayOes = 37133,
	UnsignedIntSamplerBufferExt = 36312,
	UnsignedIntSamplerCubeMapArrayExt = 36879,
	UnsignedNormalizedExt = 35863,
	UnsignedShort88Apple = 34234,
	UnsignedShort88RevApple = 34235,
	VertexArrayKhr = 32884,
	VertexArrayObjectExt = 37204,
	VertexAttribArrayDivisorAngle = 35070,
	VertexAttribArrayDivisorExt = 35070,
	VertexAttribArrayDivisorNv = 35070,
	VertexShaderBitExt = 1,
	VividlightNv = 37542,
	WaitFailedApple = 37149,
	XorNv = 5382,

Type Changed: OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.AmdCompressed3Dctexture

Removed value:

	AmdCompressed3DcTexture = 1,

Type Changed: OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.AmdCompressedAtctexture

Removed value:

	AmdCompressedAtcTexture = 1,

Type Changed: OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.AmdPerformanceMonitor

Removed value:

	AmdPerformanceMonitor = 1,

Type Changed: OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.AmdProgramBinaryZ400

Removed value:

	AmdProgramBinaryZ400 = 1,

Type Changed: OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.ExtBlendMinmax

Removed value:

	ExtBlendMinmax = 1,

Type Changed: OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.ExtDiscardFramebuffer

Removed value:

	ExtDiscardFramebuffer = 1,

Type Changed: OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.ExtReadFormatBgra

Removed value:

	ExtReadFormatBgra = 1,

Type Changed: OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.ExtTextureCompressionDxt1

Removed value:

	ExtTextureCompressionDxt1 = 1,

Type Changed: OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.ExtTextureFilterAnisotropic

Removed value:

	ExtTextureFilterAnisotropic = 1,

Type Changed: OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.ExtTextureFormatBgra8888

Removed value:

	ExtTextureFormatBgra8888 = 1,

Type Changed: OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.ExtTextureType2101010Rev

Removed value:

	ExtTextureType2101010Rev = 1,

Type Changed: OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.GL

Added methods:

	public static void BlendBarrierKHR ();
	public static void DebugMessageControlKHR (All source, All type, All severity, int count, ref uint ids, bool enabled);
	public static void DebugMessageControlKHR (All source, All type, All severity, int count, uint[] ids, bool enabled);
	public static void DebugMessageControlKHR (All source, All type, All severity, int count, int* ids, bool enabled);
	public static void DebugMessageControlKHR (All source, All type, All severity, int count, ref int ids, bool enabled);
	public static void DebugMessageControlKHR (All source, All type, All severity, int count, uint* ids, bool enabled);
	public static void DebugMessageControlKHR (All source, All type, All severity, int count, int[] ids, bool enabled);
	public static void DebugMessageInsertKHR (All source, All type, int id, All severity, int length, string buf);
	public static void DebugMessageInsertKHR (All source, All type, uint id, All severity, int length, string buf);
	public static int GetDebugMessageLogKHR (uint count, int bufSize, All* sources, All* types, uint* ids, All* severities, int* lengths, System.Text.StringBuilder messageLog);
	public static int GetDebugMessageLogKHR (uint count, int bufSize, out All sources, out All types, out uint ids, out All severities, out int lengths, System.Text.StringBuilder messageLog);
	public static int GetDebugMessageLogKHR (uint count, int bufSize, All[] sources, All[] types, uint[] ids, All[] severities, int[] lengths, System.Text.StringBuilder messageLog);
	public static int GetDebugMessageLogKHR (int count, int bufSize, All* sources, All* types, int* ids, All* severities, int* lengths, System.Text.StringBuilder messageLog);
	public static int GetDebugMessageLogKHR (int count, int bufSize, out All sources, out All types, out int ids, out All severities, out int lengths, System.Text.StringBuilder messageLog);
	public static int GetDebugMessageLogKHR (int count, int bufSize, All[] sources, All[] types, int[] ids, All[] severities, int[] lengths, System.Text.StringBuilder messageLog);
	public static void GetObjectLabelKHR (All identifier, int name, int bufSize, int[] length, System.Text.StringBuilder label);
	public static void GetObjectLabelKHR (All identifier, uint name, int bufSize, int* length, System.Text.StringBuilder label);
	public static void GetObjectLabelKHR (All identifier, uint name, int bufSize, out int length, System.Text.StringBuilder label);
	public static void GetObjectLabelKHR (All identifier, uint name, int bufSize, int[] length, System.Text.StringBuilder label);
	public static void GetObjectLabelKHR (All identifier, int name, int bufSize, int* length, System.Text.StringBuilder label);
	public static void GetObjectLabelKHR (All identifier, int name, int bufSize, out int length, System.Text.StringBuilder label);
	public static void GetObjectPtrLabelKHR<T0> (T0[0...,0...,0...] ptr, int bufSize, int* length, System.Text.StringBuilder label);
	public static void GetObjectPtrLabelKHR<T0> (T0[0...,0...,0...] ptr, int bufSize, out int length, System.Text.StringBuilder label);
	public static void GetObjectPtrLabelKHR<T0> (out T0 ptr, int bufSize, int[] length, System.Text.StringBuilder label);
	public static void GetObjectPtrLabelKHR<T0> (out T0 ptr, int bufSize, out int length, System.Text.StringBuilder label);
	public static void GetObjectPtrLabelKHR<T0> (out T0 ptr, int bufSize, int* length, System.Text.StringBuilder label);
	public static void GetObjectPtrLabelKHR<T0> (T0[] ptr, int bufSize, int* length, System.Text.StringBuilder label);
	public static void GetObjectPtrLabelKHR<T0> (T0[0...,0...,0...] ptr, int bufSize, int[] length, System.Text.StringBuilder label);
	public static void GetObjectPtrLabelKHR<T0> (T0[] ptr, int bufSize, int[] length, System.Text.StringBuilder label);
	public static void GetObjectPtrLabelKHR (IntPtr ptr, int bufSize, int* length, System.Text.StringBuilder label);
	public static void GetObjectPtrLabelKHR (IntPtr ptr, int bufSize, out int length, System.Text.StringBuilder label);
	public static void GetObjectPtrLabelKHR<T0> (T0[] ptr, int bufSize, out int length, System.Text.StringBuilder label);
	public static void GetObjectPtrLabelKHR (IntPtr ptr, int bufSize, int[] length, System.Text.StringBuilder label);
	public static void GetObjectPtrLabelKHR<T0> (T0[0...,0...] ptr, int bufSize, int[] length, System.Text.StringBuilder label);
	public static void GetObjectPtrLabelKHR<T0> (T0[0...,0...] ptr, int bufSize, out int length, System.Text.StringBuilder label);
	public static void GetObjectPtrLabelKHR<T0> (T0[0...,0...] ptr, int bufSize, int* length, System.Text.StringBuilder label);
	public static void GetPointervKHR<T1> (All pname, out T1 params);
	public static void GetPointervKHR (All pname, IntPtr params);
	public static void GetPointervKHR<T1> (All pname, T1[] params);
	public static void GetPointervKHR<T1> (All pname, T1[0...,0...] params);
	public static void GetPointervKHR<T1> (All pname, T1[0...,0...,0...] params);
	public static void ObjectLabelKHR (All identifier, int name, int length, string label);
	public static void ObjectLabelKHR (All identifier, uint name, int length, string label);
	public static void ObjectPtrLabelKHR (IntPtr ptr, int length, string label);
	public static void ObjectPtrLabelKHR<T0> (T0[] ptr, int length, string label);
	public static void ObjectPtrLabelKHR<T0> (T0[0...,0...,0...] ptr, int length, string label);
	public static void ObjectPtrLabelKHR<T0> (out T0 ptr, int length, string label);
	public static void ObjectPtrLabelKHR<T0> (T0[0...,0...] ptr, int length, string label);
	public static void PopDebugGroupKHR ();
	public static void PushDebugGroupKHR (All source, uint id, int length, string message);
	public static void PushDebugGroupKHR (All source, int id, int length, string message);

Type Changed: OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.GL.Ext

Added methods:

	public static void ActiveShaderProgram (int pipeline, int program);
	public static void ActiveShaderProgram (uint pipeline, uint program);
	public static void BeginQuery (All target, int id);
	public static void BeginQuery (All target, uint id);
	public static void BindProgramPipeline (uint pipeline);
	public static void BindProgramPipeline (int pipeline);
	public static void BlendEquation (int buf, All mode);
	public static void BlendEquation (uint buf, All mode);
	public static void BlendEquationSeparate (int buf, All modeRGB, All modeAlpha);
	public static void BlendEquationSeparate (uint buf, All modeRGB, All modeAlpha);
	public static void BlendFunc (uint buf, All src, All dst);
	public static void BlendFunc (int buf, All src, All dst);
	public static void BlendFuncSeparate (int buf, All srcRGB, All dstRGB, All srcAlpha, All dstAlpha);
	public static void BlendFuncSeparate (uint buf, All srcRGB, All dstRGB, All srcAlpha, All dstAlpha);
	public static void ColorMask (uint index, bool r, bool g, bool b, bool a);
	public static void ColorMask (int index, bool r, bool g, bool b, bool a);
	public static void CopyImageSubData (uint srcName, All srcTarget, int srcLevel, int srcX, int srcY, int srcZ, uint dstName, All dstTarget, int dstLevel, int dstX, int dstY, int dstZ, int srcWidth, int srcHeight, int srcDepth);
	public static void CopyImageSubData (int srcName, All srcTarget, int srcLevel, int srcX, int srcY, int srcZ, int dstName, All dstTarget, int dstLevel, int dstX, int dstY, int dstZ, int srcWidth, int srcHeight, int srcDepth);
	public static int CreateShaderProgram (All type, int count, string strings);
	public static void DeleteProgramPipelines (int n, uint* pipelines);
	public static void DeleteProgramPipelines (int n, ref uint pipelines);
	public static void DeleteProgramPipelines (int n, uint[] pipelines);
	public static void DeleteProgramPipelines (int n, int* pipelines);
	public static void DeleteProgramPipelines (int n, ref int pipelines);
	public static void DeleteProgramPipelines (int n, int[] pipelines);
	public static void DeleteQueries (int n, uint* ids);
	public static void DeleteQueries (int n, ref uint ids);
	public static void DeleteQueries (int n, uint[] ids);
	public static void DeleteQueries (int n, int[] ids);
	public static void DeleteQueries (int n, ref int ids);
	public static void DeleteQueries (int n, int* ids);
	public static void Disable (All target, int index);
	public static void Disable (All target, uint index);
	public static void DrawArraysInstanced (All mode, int start, int count, int primcount);
	public static void DrawBuffers (int n, All* bufs);
	public static void DrawBuffers (int n, ref All bufs);
	public static void DrawBuffers (int n, All[] bufs);
	public static void DrawBuffersIndexed (int n, All* location, int* indices);
	public static void DrawBuffersIndexed (int n, ref All location, ref int indices);
	public static void DrawBuffersIndexed (int n, All[] location, int[] indices);
	public static void DrawElementsInstanced<T3> (All mode, int count, All type, out T3 indices, int primcount);
	public static void DrawElementsInstanced<T3> (All mode, int count, All type, T3[0...,0...,0...] indices, int primcount);
	public static void DrawElementsInstanced<T3> (All mode, int count, All type, T3[0...,0...] indices, int primcount);
	public static void DrawElementsInstanced<T3> (All mode, int count, All type, T3[] indices, int primcount);
	public static void DrawElementsInstanced (All mode, int count, All type, IntPtr indices, int primcount);
	public static void Enable (All target, uint index);
	public static void Enable (All target, int index);
	public static void EndQuery (All target);
	public static void FlushMappedBufferRange (All target, IntPtr offset, IntPtr length);
	public static void FramebufferTexture (All target, All attachment, uint texture, int level);
	public static void FramebufferTexture (All target, All attachment, int texture, int level);
	public static void FramebufferTexture2DMultisample (All target, All attachment, All textarget, uint texture, int level, int samples);
	public static void FramebufferTexture2DMultisample (All target, All attachment, All textarget, int texture, int level, int samples);
	public static void GenProgramPipelines (int n, uint* pipelines);
	public static void GenProgramPipelines (int n, out uint pipelines);
	public static void GenProgramPipelines (int n, uint[] pipelines);
	public static void GenProgramPipelines (int n, int* pipelines);
	public static void GenProgramPipelines (int n, out int pipelines);
	public static void GenProgramPipelines (int n, int[] pipelines);
	public static void GenQueries (int n, uint* ids);
	public static void GenQueries (int n, out uint ids);
	public static void GenQueries (int n, uint[] ids);
	public static void GenQueries (int n, int[] ids);
	public static void GenQueries (int n, out int ids);
	public static void GenQueries (int n, int* ids);
	public static All GetGraphicsResetStatus ();
	public static void GetInteger (All target, uint index, int* data);
	public static void GetInteger (All target, uint index, out int data);
	public static void GetInteger (All target, uint index, int[] data);
	public static void GetInteger (All target, int index, int* data);
	public static void GetInteger (All target, int index, out int data);
	public static void GetInteger (All target, int index, int[] data);
	public static void GetnUniform (int program, int location, int bufSize, out int params);
	public static void GetnUniform (int program, int location, int bufSize, int* params);
	public static void GetnUniform (uint program, int location, int bufSize, int[] params);
	public static void GetnUniform (uint program, int location, int bufSize, out int params);
	public static void GetnUniform (uint program, int location, int bufSize, int* params);
	public static void GetnUniform (int program, int location, int bufSize, int[] params);
	public static void GetnUniform (int program, int location, int bufSize, float[] params);
	public static void GetnUniform (int program, int location, int bufSize, out float params);
	public static void GetnUniform (int program, int location, int bufSize, float* params);
	public static void GetnUniform (uint program, int location, int bufSize, float[] params);
	public static void GetnUniform (uint program, int location, int bufSize, out float params);
	public static void GetnUniform (uint program, int location, int bufSize, float* params);
	public static void GetObjectLabel (All type, uint object, int bufSize, int* length, System.Text.StringBuilder label);
	public static void GetObjectLabel (All type, uint object, int bufSize, out int length, System.Text.StringBuilder label);
	public static void GetObjectLabel (All type, uint object, int bufSize, int[] length, System.Text.StringBuilder label);
	public static void GetObjectLabel (All type, int object, int bufSize, int* length, System.Text.StringBuilder label);
	public static void GetObjectLabel (All type, int object, int bufSize, out int length, System.Text.StringBuilder label);
	public static void GetObjectLabel (All type, int object, int bufSize, int[] length, System.Text.StringBuilder label);
	public static void GetProgramPipeline (int pipeline, All pname, out int params);
	public static void GetProgramPipeline (int pipeline, All pname, int* params);
	public static void GetProgramPipeline (uint pipeline, All pname, int[] params);
	public static void GetProgramPipeline (uint pipeline, All pname, out int params);
	public static void GetProgramPipeline (uint pipeline, All pname, int* params);
	public static void GetProgramPipeline (int pipeline, All pname, int[] params);
	public static void GetProgramPipelineInfoLog (int pipeline, int bufsize, int[] length, System.Text.StringBuilder infolog);
	public static void GetProgramPipelineInfoLog (int pipeline, int bufsize, out int length, System.Text.StringBuilder infolog);
	public static void GetProgramPipelineInfoLog (int pipeline, int bufsize, int* length, System.Text.StringBuilder infolog);
	public static void GetProgramPipelineInfoLog (uint pipeline, int bufsize, int[] length, System.Text.StringBuilder infolog);
	public static void GetProgramPipelineInfoLog (uint pipeline, int bufsize, out int length, System.Text.StringBuilder infolog);
	public static void GetProgramPipelineInfoLog (uint pipeline, int bufsize, int* length, System.Text.StringBuilder infolog);
	public static void GetQuery (All target, All pname, int* params);
	public static void GetQuery (All target, All pname, out int params);
	public static void GetQuery (All target, All pname, int[] params);
	public static void GetQueryObject (uint id, All pname, out int params);
	public static void GetQueryObject (uint id, All pname, int* params);
	public static void GetQueryObject (uint id, All pname, ulong[] params);
	public static void GetQueryObject (uint id, All pname, out ulong params);
	public static void GetQueryObject (uint id, All pname, ulong* params);
	public static void GetQueryObject (uint id, All pname, uint[] params);
	public static void GetQueryObject (uint id, All pname, out uint params);
	public static void GetQueryObject (uint id, All pname, uint* params);
	public static void GetQueryObject (uint id, All pname, int[] params);
	public static void GetQueryObject (int id, All pname, long[] params);
	public static void GetQueryObject (int id, All pname, out long params);
	public static void GetQueryObject (int id, All pname, long* params);
	public static void GetQueryObject (uint id, All pname, long[] params);
	public static void GetQueryObject (uint id, All pname, out long params);
	public static void GetQueryObject (int id, All pname, int* params);
	public static void GetQueryObject (int id, All pname, out int params);
	public static void GetQueryObject (int id, All pname, int[] params);
	public static void GetQueryObject (uint id, All pname, long* params);
	public static void GetSamplerParameterI (uint sampler, All pname, int* params);
	public static void GetSamplerParameterI (uint sampler, All pname, uint[] params);
	public static void GetSamplerParameterI (uint sampler, All pname, out uint params);
	public static void GetSamplerParameterI (uint sampler, All pname, uint* params);
	public static void GetSamplerParameterI (uint sampler, All pname, out int params);
	public static void GetSamplerParameterI (int sampler, All pname, int[] params);
	public static void GetSamplerParameterI (int sampler, All pname, out int params);
	public static void GetSamplerParameterI (int sampler, All pname, int* params);
	public static void GetSamplerParameterI (uint sampler, All pname, int[] params);
	public static void GetTexParameterI (All target, All pname, uint* params);
	public static void GetTexParameterI (All target, All pname, out uint params);
	public static void GetTexParameterI (All target, All pname, uint[] params);
	public static void GetTexParameterI (All target, All pname, int* params);
	public static void GetTexParameterI (All target, All pname, out int params);
	public static void GetTexParameterI (All target, All pname, int[] params);
	public static void InsertEventMarker (int length, string marker);
	public static bool IsEnabled (All target, uint index);
	public static bool IsEnabled (All target, int index);
	public static bool IsProgramPipeline (int pipeline);
	public static bool IsProgramPipeline (uint pipeline);
	public static bool IsQuery (int id);
	public static bool IsQuery (uint id);
	public static void LabelObject (All type, uint object, int length, string label);
	public static void LabelObject (All type, int object, int length, string label);
	public static IntPtr MapBufferRange (All target, IntPtr offset, IntPtr length, int access);
	public static IntPtr MapBufferRange (All target, IntPtr offset, IntPtr length, uint access);
	public static void PatchParameter (All pname, int value);
	public static void PopGroupMarker ();
	public static void PrimitiveBoundingBox (float minX, float minY, float minZ, float minW, float maxX, float maxY, float maxZ, float maxW);
	public static void ProgramParameter (uint program, All pname, int value);
	public static void ProgramParameter (int program, All pname, int value);
	public static void ProgramUniform1 (int program, int location, int count, ref int v);
	public static void ProgramUniform1 (int program, int location, int count, int* v);
	public static void ProgramUniform1 (uint program, int location, int count, int[] v);
	public static void ProgramUniform1 (uint program, int location, int count, ref int v);
	public static void ProgramUniform1 (uint program, int location, int count, int* v);
	public static void ProgramUniform1 (uint program, int location, uint v0);
	public static void ProgramUniform1 (uint program, int location, int count, uint[] value);
	public static void ProgramUniform1 (uint program, int location, int count, ref uint value);
	public static void ProgramUniform1 (uint program, int location, int count, uint* value);
	public static void ProgramUniform1 (int program, int location, int count, int[] v);
	public static void ProgramUniform1 (int program, int location, float x);
	public static void ProgramUniform1 (uint program, int location, float x);
	public static void ProgramUniform1 (int program, int location, int count, float[] v);
	public static void ProgramUniform1 (int program, int location, int count, ref float v);
	public static void ProgramUniform1 (int program, int location, int count, float* v);
	public static void ProgramUniform1 (uint program, int location, int x);
	public static void ProgramUniform1 (int program, int location, int x);
	public static void ProgramUniform1 (uint program, int location, int count, float* v);
	public static void ProgramUniform1 (uint program, int location, int count, ref float v);
	public static void ProgramUniform1 (uint program, int location, int count, float[] v);
	public static void ProgramUniform2 (int program, int location, int count, int[] v);
	public static void ProgramUniform2 (int program, int location, int count, int* v);
	public static void ProgramUniform2 (uint program, int location, int count, int[] v);
	public static void ProgramUniform2 (uint program, int location, int count, int* v);
	public static void ProgramUniform2 (uint program, int location, uint v0, uint v1);
	public static void ProgramUniform2 (uint program, int location, int count, uint[] value);
	public static void ProgramUniform2 (uint program, int location, int count, ref uint value);
	public static void ProgramUniform2 (uint program, int location, int count, uint* value);
	public static void ProgramUniform2 (uint program, int location, int x, int y);
	public static void ProgramUniform2 (int program, int location, float x, float y);
	public static void ProgramUniform2 (uint program, int location, float x, float y);
	public static void ProgramUniform2 (int program, int location, int count, float[] v);
	public static void ProgramUniform2 (int program, int location, int count, ref float v);
	public static void ProgramUniform2 (int program, int location, int count, float* v);
	public static void ProgramUniform2 (int program, int location, int x, int y);
	public static void ProgramUniform2 (uint program, int location, int count, float* v);
	public static void ProgramUniform2 (uint program, int location, int count, ref float v);
	public static void ProgramUniform2 (uint program, int location, int count, float[] v);
	public static void ProgramUniform3 (uint program, int location, int count, ref int v);
	public static void ProgramUniform3 (uint program, int location, int count, int[] v);
	public static void ProgramUniform3 (int program, int location, int count, int* v);
	public static void ProgramUniform3 (int program, int location, int count, ref int v);
	public static void ProgramUniform3 (uint program, int location, int count, int* v);
	public static void ProgramUniform3 (uint program, int location, uint v0, uint v1, uint v2);
	public static void ProgramUniform3 (uint program, int location, int count, uint[] value);
	public static void ProgramUniform3 (uint program, int location, int count, ref uint value);
	public static void ProgramUniform3 (uint program, int location, int count, uint* value);
	public static void ProgramUniform3 (int program, int location, int count, int[] v);
	public static void ProgramUniform3 (int program, int location, float x, float y, float z);
	public static void ProgramUniform3 (uint program, int location, float x, float y, float z);
	public static void ProgramUniform3 (int program, int location, int count, float[] v);
	public static void ProgramUniform3 (int program, int location, int count, ref float v);
	public static void ProgramUniform3 (int program, int location, int count, float* v);
	public static void ProgramUniform3 (uint program, int location, int x, int y, int z);
	public static void ProgramUniform3 (int program, int location, int x, int y, int z);
	public static void ProgramUniform3 (uint program, int location, int count, float* v);
	public static void ProgramUniform3 (uint program, int location, int count, ref float v);
	public static void ProgramUniform3 (uint program, int location, int count, float[] v);
	public static void ProgramUniform4 (uint program, int location, int count, ref int v);
	public static void ProgramUniform4 (uint program, int location, int count, int[] v);
	public static void ProgramUniform4 (int program, int location, int count, int* v);
	public static void ProgramUniform4 (int program, int location, int count, ref int v);
	public static void ProgramUniform4 (uint program, int location, int count, int* v);
	public static void ProgramUniform4 (uint program, int location, uint v0, uint v1, uint v2, uint v3);
	public static void ProgramUniform4 (uint program, int location, int count, uint[] value);
	public static void ProgramUniform4 (uint program, int location, int count, ref uint value);
	public static void ProgramUniform4 (uint program, int location, int count, uint* value);
	public static void ProgramUniform4 (int program, int location, int count, int[] v);
	public static void ProgramUniform4 (int program, int location, float x, float y, float z, float w);
	public static void ProgramUniform4 (uint program, int location, float x, float y, float z, float w);
	public static void ProgramUniform4 (int program, int location, int count, float[] v);
	public static void ProgramUniform4 (int program, int location, int count, ref float v);
	public static void ProgramUniform4 (int program, int location, int count, float* v);
	public static void ProgramUniform4 (uint program, int location, int x, int y, int z, int w);
	public static void ProgramUniform4 (int program, int location, int x, int y, int z, int w);
	public static void ProgramUniform4 (uint program, int location, int count, float* v);
	public static void ProgramUniform4 (uint program, int location, int count, ref float v);
	public static void ProgramUniform4 (uint program, int location, int count, float[] v);
	public static void ProgramUniformMatrix2 (uint program, int location, int count, bool transpose, float* value);
	public static void ProgramUniformMatrix2 (uint program, int location, int count, bool transpose, ref float value);
	public static void ProgramUniformMatrix2 (uint program, int location, int count, bool transpose, float[] value);
	public static void ProgramUniformMatrix2 (int program, int location, int count, bool transpose, float* value);
	public static void ProgramUniformMatrix2 (int program, int location, int count, bool transpose, ref float value);
	public static void ProgramUniformMatrix2 (int program, int location, int count, bool transpose, float[] value);
	public static void ProgramUniformMatrix2x3 (uint program, int location, int count, bool transpose, float* value);
	public static void ProgramUniformMatrix2x3 (uint program, int location, int count, bool transpose, ref float value);
	public static void ProgramUniformMatrix2x3 (uint program, int location, int count, bool transpose, float[] value);
	public static void ProgramUniformMatrix2x3 (int program, int location, int count, bool transpose, float* value);
	public static void ProgramUniformMatrix2x3 (int program, int location, int count, bool transpose, ref float value);
	public static void ProgramUniformMatrix2x3 (int program, int location, int count, bool transpose, float[] value);
	public static void ProgramUniformMatrix2x4 (uint program, int location, int count, bool transpose, float* value);
	public static void ProgramUniformMatrix2x4 (uint program, int location, int count, bool transpose, ref float value);
	public static void ProgramUniformMatrix2x4 (uint program, int location, int count, bool transpose, float[] value);
	public static void ProgramUniformMatrix2x4 (int program, int location, int count, bool transpose, float* value);
	public static void ProgramUniformMatrix2x4 (int program, int location, int count, bool transpose, ref float value);
	public static void ProgramUniformMatrix2x4 (int program, int location, int count, bool transpose, float[] value);
	public static void ProgramUniformMatrix3 (uint program, int location, int count, bool transpose, float* value);
	public static void ProgramUniformMatrix3 (uint program, int location, int count, bool transpose, ref float value);
	public static void ProgramUniformMatrix3 (uint program, int location, int count, bool transpose, float[] value);
	public static void ProgramUniformMatrix3 (int program, int location, int count, bool transpose, float* value);
	public static void ProgramUniformMatrix3 (int program, int location, int count, bool transpose, ref float value);
	public static void ProgramUniformMatrix3 (int program, int location, int count, bool transpose, float[] value);
	public static void ProgramUniformMatrix3x2 (uint program, int location, int count, bool transpose, float* value);
	public static void ProgramUniformMatrix3x2 (uint program, int location, int count, bool transpose, ref float value);
	public static void ProgramUniformMatrix3x2 (uint program, int location, int count, bool transpose, float[] value);
	public static void ProgramUniformMatrix3x2 (int program, int location, int count, bool transpose, float* value);
	public static void ProgramUniformMatrix3x2 (int program, int location, int count, bool transpose, ref float value);
	public static void ProgramUniformMatrix3x2 (int program, int location, int count, bool transpose, float[] value);
	public static void ProgramUniformMatrix3x4 (uint program, int location, int count, bool transpose, float* value);
	public static void ProgramUniformMatrix3x4 (uint program, int location, int count, bool transpose, ref float value);
	public static void ProgramUniformMatrix3x4 (uint program, int location, int count, bool transpose, float[] value);
	public static void ProgramUniformMatrix3x4 (int program, int location, int count, bool transpose, float* value);
	public static void ProgramUniformMatrix3x4 (int program, int location, int count, bool transpose, ref float value);
	public static void ProgramUniformMatrix3x4 (int program, int location, int count, bool transpose, float[] value);
	public static void ProgramUniformMatrix4 (uint program, int location, int count, bool transpose, float* value);
	public static void ProgramUniformMatrix4 (uint program, int location, int count, bool transpose, ref float value);
	public static void ProgramUniformMatrix4 (uint program, int location, int count, bool transpose, float[] value);
	public static void ProgramUniformMatrix4 (int program, int location, int count, bool transpose, float* value);
	public static void ProgramUniformMatrix4 (int program, int location, int count, bool transpose, ref float value);
	public static void ProgramUniformMatrix4 (int program, int location, int count, bool transpose, float[] value);
	public static void ProgramUniformMatrix4x2 (uint program, int location, int count, bool transpose, float* value);
	public static void ProgramUniformMatrix4x2 (uint program, int location, int count, bool transpose, ref float value);
	public static void ProgramUniformMatrix4x2 (uint program, int location, int count, bool transpose, float[] value);
	public static void ProgramUniformMatrix4x2 (int program, int location, int count, bool transpose, float* value);
	public static void ProgramUniformMatrix4x2 (int program, int location, int count, bool transpose, ref float value);
	public static void ProgramUniformMatrix4x2 (int program, int location, int count, bool transpose, float[] value);
	public static void ProgramUniformMatrix4x3 (uint program, int location, int count, bool transpose, float* value);
	public static void ProgramUniformMatrix4x3 (uint program, int location, int count, bool transpose, ref float value);
	public static void ProgramUniformMatrix4x3 (uint program, int location, int count, bool transpose, float[] value);
	public static void ProgramUniformMatrix4x3 (int program, int location, int count, bool transpose, float* value);
	public static void ProgramUniformMatrix4x3 (int program, int location, int count, bool transpose, ref float value);
	public static void ProgramUniformMatrix4x3 (int program, int location, int count, bool transpose, float[] value);
	public static void PushGroupMarker (int length, string marker);
	public static void QueryCounter (uint id, All target);
	public static void QueryCounter (int id, All target);
	public static void ReadBufferIndexed (All src, int index);
	public static void ReadnPixels<T7> (int x, int y, int width, int height, All format, All type, int bufSize, out T7 data);
	public static void ReadnPixels<T7> (int x, int y, int width, int height, All format, All type, int bufSize, T7[0...,0...,0...] data);
	public static void ReadnPixels<T7> (int x, int y, int width, int height, All format, All type, int bufSize, T7[0...,0...] data);
	public static void ReadnPixels<T7> (int x, int y, int width, int height, All format, All type, int bufSize, T7[] data);
	public static void ReadnPixels (int x, int y, int width, int height, All format, All type, int bufSize, IntPtr data);
	public static void RenderbufferStorageMultisample (All target, int samples, All internalformat, int width, int height);
	public static void SamplerParameterI (uint sampler, All pname, int* param);
	public static void SamplerParameterI (uint sampler, All pname, uint[] param);
	public static void SamplerParameterI (uint sampler, All pname, ref uint param);
	public static void SamplerParameterI (uint sampler, All pname, uint* param);
	public static void SamplerParameterI (uint sampler, All pname, ref int param);
	public static void SamplerParameterI (uint sampler, All pname, int[] param);
	public static void SamplerParameterI (int sampler, All pname, int* param);
	public static void SamplerParameterI (int sampler, All pname, ref int param);
	public static void SamplerParameterI (int sampler, All pname, int[] param);
	public static void TexBuffer (All target, All internalformat, uint buffer);
	public static void TexBuffer (All target, All internalformat, int buffer);
	public static void TexBufferRange (All target, All internalformat, int buffer, IntPtr offset, IntPtr size);
	public static void TexBufferRange (All target, All internalformat, uint buffer, IntPtr offset, IntPtr size);
	public static void TexParameterI (All target, All pname, uint* params);
	public static void TexParameterI (All target, All pname, ref uint params);
	public static void TexParameterI (All target, All pname, uint[] params);
	public static void TexParameterI (All target, All pname, int* params);
	public static void TexParameterI (All target, All pname, ref int params);
	public static void TexParameterI (All target, All pname, int[] params);
	public static void TexStorage1D (All target, int levels, All internalformat, int width);
	public static void TexStorage2D (All target, int levels, All internalformat, int width, int height);
	public static void TexStorage3D (All target, int levels, All internalformat, int width, int height, int depth);
	public static void TextureStorage1D (int texture, All target, int levels, All internalformat, int width);
	public static void TextureStorage1D (uint texture, All target, int levels, All internalformat, int width);
	public static void TextureStorage2D (uint texture, All target, int levels, All internalformat, int width, int height);
	public static void TextureStorage2D (int texture, All target, int levels, All internalformat, int width, int height);
	public static void TextureStorage3D (int texture, All target, int levels, All internalformat, int width, int height, int depth);
	public static void TextureStorage3D (uint texture, All target, int levels, All internalformat, int width, int height, int depth);
	public static void TextureView (uint texture, All target, uint origtexture, All internalformat, uint minlevel, uint numlevels, uint minlayer, uint numlayers);
	public static void TextureView (int texture, All target, int origtexture, All internalformat, int minlevel, int numlevels, int minlayer, int numlayers);
	public static void UseProgramStages (uint pipeline, uint stages, uint program);
	public static void UseProgramStages (int pipeline, int stages, int program);
	public static void ValidateProgramPipeline (int pipeline);
	public static void ValidateProgramPipeline (uint pipeline);
	public static void VertexAttribDivisor (int index, int divisor);
	public static void VertexAttribDivisor (uint index, uint divisor);

Type Changed: OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.GL.NV

Added methods:

	public static void BlendBarrier ();
	public static void BlendParameter (All pname, int value);
	public static void BlitFramebuffer (int srcX0, int srcY0, int srcX1, int srcY1, int dstX0, int dstY0, int dstX1, int dstY1, int mask, All filter);
	public static void BlitFramebuffer (int srcX0, int srcY0, int srcX1, int srcY1, int dstX0, int dstY0, int dstX1, int dstY1, uint mask, All filter);
	public static void CopyBufferSubData (All readTarget, All writeTarget, IntPtr readOffset, IntPtr writeOffset, IntPtr size);
	public static void DrawArraysInstanced (All mode, int first, int count, int primcount);
	public static void DrawBuffers (int n, All* bufs);
	public static void DrawBuffers (int n, ref All bufs);
	public static void DrawBuffers (int n, All[] bufs);
	public static void DrawElementsInstanced<T3> (All mode, int count, All type, out T3 indices, int primcount);
	public static void DrawElementsInstanced<T3> (All mode, int count, All type, T3[0...,0...,0...] indices, int primcount);
	public static void DrawElementsInstanced<T3> (All mode, int count, All type, T3[0...,0...] indices, int primcount);
	public static void DrawElementsInstanced<T3> (All mode, int count, All type, T3[] indices, int primcount);
	public static void DrawElementsInstanced (All mode, int count, All type, IntPtr indices, int primcount);
	public static void ReadBuffer (All mode);
	public static void RenderbufferStorageMultisample (All target, int samples, All internalformat, int width, int height);
	public static void UniformMatrix2x3 (int location, int count, bool transpose, float* value);
	public static void UniformMatrix2x3 (int location, int count, bool transpose, ref float value);
	public static void UniformMatrix2x3 (int location, int count, bool transpose, float[] value);
	public static void UniformMatrix2x4 (int location, int count, bool transpose, float* value);
	public static void UniformMatrix2x4 (int location, int count, bool transpose, ref float value);
	public static void UniformMatrix2x4 (int location, int count, bool transpose, float[] value);
	public static void UniformMatrix3x2 (int location, int count, bool transpose, float[] value);
	public static void UniformMatrix3x2 (int location, int count, bool transpose, ref float value);
	public static void UniformMatrix3x2 (int location, int count, bool transpose, float* value);
	public static void UniformMatrix3x4 (int location, int count, bool transpose, float* value);
	public static void UniformMatrix3x4 (int location, int count, bool transpose, ref float value);
	public static void UniformMatrix3x4 (int location, int count, bool transpose, float[] value);
	public static void UniformMatrix4x2 (int location, int count, bool transpose, float* value);
	public static void UniformMatrix4x2 (int location, int count, bool transpose, ref float value);
	public static void UniformMatrix4x2 (int location, int count, bool transpose, float[] value);
	public static void UniformMatrix4x3 (int location, int count, bool transpose, float[] value);
	public static void UniformMatrix4x3 (int location, int count, bool transpose, ref float value);
	public static void UniformMatrix4x3 (int location, int count, bool transpose, float* value);
	public static void VertexAttribDivisor (int index, int divisor);
	public static void VertexAttribDivisor (uint index, uint divisor);

Type Changed: OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.GL.Oes

Added methods:

	public static void MinSampleShading (float value);
	public static void TexStorage3DMultisample (All target, int samples, All internalformat, int width, int height, int depth, bool fixedsamplelocations);

Type Changed: OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.GL.Qcom

Added method:

	public static void AlphaFunc (All func, float ref);

New Type OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.Angle

public static class Angle {
	// methods
	public static void BlitFramebuffer (int srcX0, int srcY0, int srcX1, int srcY1, int dstX0, int dstY0, int dstX1, int dstY1, int mask, All filter);
	public static void BlitFramebuffer (int srcX0, int srcY0, int srcX1, int srcY1, int dstX0, int dstY0, int dstX1, int dstY1, uint mask, All filter);
	public static void DrawArraysInstanced (All mode, int first, int count, int primcount);
	public static void DrawElementsInstanced<T3> (All mode, int count, All type, out T3 indices, int primcount);
	public static void DrawElementsInstanced<T3> (All mode, int count, All type, T3[0...,0...,0...] indices, int primcount);
	public static void DrawElementsInstanced<T3> (All mode, int count, All type, T3[0...,0...] indices, int primcount);
	public static void DrawElementsInstanced<T3> (All mode, int count, All type, T3[] indices, int primcount);
	public static void DrawElementsInstanced (All mode, int count, All type, IntPtr indices, int primcount);
	public static void GetTranslatedShaderSource (uint shader, int bufsize, int* length, System.Text.StringBuilder source);
	public static void GetTranslatedShaderSource (uint shader, int bufsize, out int length, System.Text.StringBuilder source);
	public static void GetTranslatedShaderSource (uint shader, int bufsize, int[] length, System.Text.StringBuilder source);
	public static void GetTranslatedShaderSource (int shader, int bufsize, int* length, System.Text.StringBuilder source);
	public static void GetTranslatedShaderSource (int shader, int bufsize, out int length, System.Text.StringBuilder source);
	public static void GetTranslatedShaderSource (int shader, int bufsize, int[] length, System.Text.StringBuilder source);
	public static void RenderbufferStorageMultisample (All target, int samples, All internalformat, int width, int height);
	public static void VertexAttribDivisor (int index, int divisor);
	public static void VertexAttribDivisor (uint index, uint divisor);

New Type OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.Apple

public static class Apple {
	// methods
	public static All ClientWaitSync (IntPtr sync, int flags, long timeout);
	public static All ClientWaitSync (IntPtr sync, uint flags, ulong timeout);
	public static void CopyTextureLevel (int destinationTexture, int sourceTexture, int sourceBaseLevel, int sourceLevelCount);
	public static void CopyTextureLevel (uint destinationTexture, uint sourceTexture, int sourceBaseLevel, int sourceLevelCount);
	public static void DeleteSync (IntPtr sync);
	public static IntPtr FenceSync (All condition, int flags);
	public static IntPtr FenceSync (All condition, uint flags);
	public static void GetInteger64 (All pname, long* params);
	public static void GetInteger64 (All pname, out long params);
	public static void GetInteger64 (All pname, long[] params);
	public static void GetSync (IntPtr sync, All pname, int bufSize, int* length, int* values);
	public static void GetSync (IntPtr sync, All pname, int bufSize, out int length, out int values);
	public static void GetSync (IntPtr sync, All pname, int bufSize, int[] length, int[] values);
	public static bool IsSync (IntPtr sync);
	public static void RenderbufferStorageMultisample (All target, int samples, All internalformat, int width, int height);
	public static void ResolveMultisampleFramebuffer ();
	public static void WaitSync (IntPtr sync, int flags, long timeout);
	public static void WaitSync (IntPtr sync, uint flags, ulong timeout);

New Type OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.Intel

public static class Intel {
	// methods
	public static void BeginPerfQuery (int queryHandle);
	public static void BeginPerfQuery (uint queryHandle);
	public static void CreatePerfQuery (uint queryId, uint* queryHandle);
	public static void CreatePerfQuery (uint queryId, ref uint queryHandle);
	public static void CreatePerfQuery (uint queryId, uint[] queryHandle);
	public static void CreatePerfQuery (int queryId, int* queryHandle);
	public static void CreatePerfQuery (int queryId, ref int queryHandle);
	public static void CreatePerfQuery (int queryId, int[] queryHandle);
	public static void DeletePerfQuery (int queryHandle);
	public static void DeletePerfQuery (uint queryHandle);
	public static void EndPerfQuery (uint queryHandle);
	public static void EndPerfQuery (int queryHandle);
	public static void GetFirstPerfQueryI (uint* queryId);
	public static void GetFirstPerfQueryI (out uint queryId);
	public static void GetFirstPerfQueryI (uint[] queryId);
	public static void GetFirstPerfQueryI (int* queryId);
	public static void GetFirstPerfQueryI (out int queryId);
	public static void GetFirstPerfQueryI (int[] queryId);
	public static void GetNextPerfQueryI (uint queryId, uint* nextQueryId);
	public static void GetNextPerfQueryI (uint queryId, out uint nextQueryId);
	public static void GetNextPerfQueryI (uint queryId, uint[] nextQueryId);
	public static void GetNextPerfQueryI (int queryId, int* nextQueryId);
	public static void GetNextPerfQueryI (int queryId, out int nextQueryId);
	public static void GetNextPerfQueryI (int queryId, int[] nextQueryId);
	public static void GetPerfCounterInfo (uint queryId, uint counterId, uint counterNameLength, System.Text.StringBuilder counterName, uint counterDescLength, System.Text.StringBuilder counterDesc, uint* counterOffset, uint* counterDataSize, uint* counterTypeEnum, uint* counterDataTypeEnum, ulong* rawCounterMaxValue);
	public static void GetPerfCounterInfo (uint queryId, uint counterId, uint counterNameLength, System.Text.StringBuilder counterName, uint counterDescLength, System.Text.StringBuilder counterDesc, out uint counterOffset, out uint counterDataSize, out uint counterTypeEnum, out uint counterDataTypeEnum, out ulong rawCounterMaxValue);
	public static void GetPerfCounterInfo (uint queryId, uint counterId, uint counterNameLength, System.Text.StringBuilder counterName, uint counterDescLength, System.Text.StringBuilder counterDesc, uint[] counterOffset, uint[] counterDataSize, uint[] counterTypeEnum, uint[] counterDataTypeEnum, ulong[] rawCounterMaxValue);
	public static void GetPerfCounterInfo (int queryId, int counterId, int counterNameLength, System.Text.StringBuilder counterName, int counterDescLength, System.Text.StringBuilder counterDesc, int* counterOffset, int* counterDataSize, int* counterTypeEnum, int* counterDataTypeEnum, long* rawCounterMaxValue);
	public static void GetPerfCounterInfo (int queryId, int counterId, int counterNameLength, System.Text.StringBuilder counterName, int counterDescLength, System.Text.StringBuilder counterDesc, out int counterOffset, out int counterDataSize, out int counterTypeEnum, out int counterDataTypeEnum, out long rawCounterMaxValue);
	public static void GetPerfCounterInfo (int queryId, int counterId, int counterNameLength, System.Text.StringBuilder counterName, int counterDescLength, System.Text.StringBuilder counterDesc, int[] counterOffset, int[] counterDataSize, int[] counterTypeEnum, int[] counterDataTypeEnum, long[] rawCounterMaxValue);
	public static void GetPerfQueryData<T3> (uint queryHandle, uint flags, int dataSize, T3[0...,0...] data, uint[] bytesWritten);
	public static void GetPerfQueryData<T3> (uint queryHandle, uint flags, int dataSize, T3[] data, uint* bytesWritten);
	public static void GetPerfQueryData<T3> (uint queryHandle, uint flags, int dataSize, T3[] data, out uint bytesWritten);
	public static void GetPerfQueryData<T3> (uint queryHandle, uint flags, int dataSize, T3[] data, uint[] bytesWritten);
	public static void GetPerfQueryData (uint queryHandle, uint flags, int dataSize, IntPtr data, uint* bytesWritten);
	public static void GetPerfQueryData (uint queryHandle, uint flags, int dataSize, IntPtr data, out uint bytesWritten);
	public static void GetPerfQueryData<T3> (uint queryHandle, uint flags, int dataSize, T3[0...,0...] data, out uint bytesWritten);
	public static void GetPerfQueryData<T3> (uint queryHandle, uint flags, int dataSize, out T3 data, uint* bytesWritten);
	public static void GetPerfQueryData<T3> (uint queryHandle, uint flags, int dataSize, out T3 data, out uint bytesWritten);
	public static void GetPerfQueryData<T3> (uint queryHandle, uint flags, int dataSize, out T3 data, uint[] bytesWritten);
	public static void GetPerfQueryData<T3> (uint queryHandle, uint flags, int dataSize, T3[0...,0...,0...] data, uint* bytesWritten);
	public static void GetPerfQueryData<T3> (uint queryHandle, uint flags, int dataSize, T3[0...,0...,0...] data, out uint bytesWritten);
	public static void GetPerfQueryData<T3> (uint queryHandle, uint flags, int dataSize, T3[0...,0...,0...] data, uint[] bytesWritten);
	public static void GetPerfQueryData<T3> (uint queryHandle, uint flags, int dataSize, T3[0...,0...] data, uint* bytesWritten);
	public static void GetPerfQueryData (uint queryHandle, uint flags, int dataSize, IntPtr data, uint[] bytesWritten);
	public static void GetPerfQueryData<T3> (int queryHandle, int flags, int dataSize, T3[0...,0...] data, int[] bytesWritten);
	public static void GetPerfQueryData<T3> (int queryHandle, int flags, int dataSize, T3[] data, int* bytesWritten);
	public static void GetPerfQueryData<T3> (int queryHandle, int flags, int dataSize, T3[] data, out int bytesWritten);
	public static void GetPerfQueryData<T3> (int queryHandle, int flags, int dataSize, T3[] data, int[] bytesWritten);
	public static void GetPerfQueryData (int queryHandle, int flags, int dataSize, IntPtr data, int* bytesWritten);
	public static void GetPerfQueryData (int queryHandle, int flags, int dataSize, IntPtr data, out int bytesWritten);
	public static void GetPerfQueryData (int queryHandle, int flags, int dataSize, IntPtr data, int[] bytesWritten);
	public static void GetPerfQueryData<T3> (int queryHandle, int flags, int dataSize, T3[0...,0...] data, out int bytesWritten);
	public static void GetPerfQueryData<T3> (int queryHandle, int flags, int dataSize, out T3 data, int* bytesWritten);
	public static void GetPerfQueryData<T3> (int queryHandle, int flags, int dataSize, out T3 data, out int bytesWritten);
	public static void GetPerfQueryData<T3> (int queryHandle, int flags, int dataSize, out T3 data, int[] bytesWritten);
	public static void GetPerfQueryData<T3> (int queryHandle, int flags, int dataSize, T3[0...,0...,0...] data, int* bytesWritten);
	public static void GetPerfQueryData<T3> (int queryHandle, int flags, int dataSize, T3[0...,0...,0...] data, out int bytesWritten);
	public static void GetPerfQueryData<T3> (int queryHandle, int flags, int dataSize, T3[0...,0...,0...] data, int[] bytesWritten);
	public static void GetPerfQueryData<T3> (int queryHandle, int flags, int dataSize, T3[0...,0...] data, int* bytesWritten);
	public static void GetPerfQueryIdByName (System.Text.StringBuilder queryName, uint* queryId);
	public static void GetPerfQueryIdByName (System.Text.StringBuilder queryName, out uint queryId);
	public static void GetPerfQueryIdByName (System.Text.StringBuilder queryName, uint[] queryId);
	public static void GetPerfQueryIdByName (System.Text.StringBuilder queryName, int* queryId);
	public static void GetPerfQueryIdByName (System.Text.StringBuilder queryName, out int queryId);
	public static void GetPerfQueryIdByName (System.Text.StringBuilder queryName, int[] queryId);
	public static void GetPerfQueryInfo (uint queryId, uint queryNameLength, System.Text.StringBuilder queryName, out uint dataSize, out uint noCounters, out uint noInstances, out uint capsMask);
	public static void GetPerfQueryInfo (uint queryId, uint queryNameLength, System.Text.StringBuilder queryName, uint[] dataSize, uint[] noCounters, uint[] noInstances, uint[] capsMask);
	public static void GetPerfQueryInfo (int queryId, int queryNameLength, System.Text.StringBuilder queryName, int* dataSize, int* noCounters, int* noInstances, int* capsMask);
	public static void GetPerfQueryInfo (int queryId, int queryNameLength, System.Text.StringBuilder queryName, out int dataSize, out int noCounters, out int noInstances, out int capsMask);
	public static void GetPerfQueryInfo (int queryId, int queryNameLength, System.Text.StringBuilder queryName, int[] dataSize, int[] noCounters, int[] noInstances, int[] capsMask);
	public static void GetPerfQueryInfo (uint queryId, uint queryNameLength, System.Text.StringBuilder queryName, uint* dataSize, uint* noCounters, uint* noInstances, uint* capsMask);

Type Changed: OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.ImgMultisampledRenderToTexture

Removed value:

	ImgMultisampledRenderToTexture = 1,

Type Changed: OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.ImgProgramBinary

Removed value:

	ImgProgramBinary = 1,

Type Changed: OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.ImgReadFormat

Removed value:

	ImgReadFormat = 1,

Type Changed: OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.ImgShaderBinary

Removed value:

	ImgShaderBinary = 1,

Type Changed: OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.ImgTextureCompressionPvrtc

Removed value:

	ImgTextureCompressionPvrtc = 1,

Type Changed: OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.NvCoverageSample

Removed value:

	NvCoverageSample = 1,

Type Changed: OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.NvDepthNonlinear

Removed value:

	NvDepthNonlinear = 1,

Type Changed: OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.NvFence

Removed value:

	NvFence = 1,

Type Changed: OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.OesCompressedEtc1Rgb8Texture

Removed value:

	OesCompressedEtc1Rgb8Texture = 1,

Type Changed: OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.OesCompressedPalettedTexture

Removed value:

	OesCompressedPalettedTexture = 1,

Type Changed: OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.OesDepth24

Removed value:

	OesDepth24 = 1,

Type Changed: OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.OesDepth32

Removed value:

	OesDepth32 = 1,

Type Changed: OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.OesEglImageExternal

Removed value:

	OesEglImageExternal = 1,

Type Changed: OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.OesElementIndexUint

Removed value:

	OesElementIndexUint = 1,

Type Changed: OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.OesGetProgramBinary

Removed value:

	OesGetProgramBinary = 1,

Type Changed: OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.OesMapbuffer

Removed value:

	OesMapbuffer = 1,

Type Changed: OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.OesPackedDepthStencil

Removed value:

	OesPackedDepthStencil = 1,

Type Changed: OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.OesRgb8Rgba8

Removed value:

	OesRgb8Rgba8 = 1,

Type Changed: OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.OesStandardDerivatives

Removed value:

	OesStandardDerivatives = 1,

Type Changed: OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.OesStencil1

Removed value:

	OesStencil1 = 1,

Type Changed: OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.OesStencil4

Removed value:

	OesStencil4 = 1,

Type Changed: OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.OesTexture3D

Removed value:

	OesTexture3D = 1,

Type Changed: OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.OesTextureHalfFloat

Removed value:

	OesTextureHalfFloat = 1,

Type Changed: OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.OesVertexArrayObject

Removed value:

	OesVertexArrayObject = 1,

Type Changed: OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.OesVertexType1010102

Removed value:

	OesVertexType1010102 = 1,

Type Changed: OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.QcomExtendedGet

Removed value:

	QcomExtendedGet = 1,

Type Changed: OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.QcomPerfmonGlobalMode

Removed value:

	QcomPerfmonGlobalMode = 1,

Type Changed: OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.QcomTiledRendering

Removed value:

	QcomTiledRendering = 1,

Type Changed: OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.QcomWriteonlyRendering

Removed value:

	QcomWriteonlyRendering = 1,

Removed Type OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.OesDepthTexture

Removed Type OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.OesEglImage

Removed Type OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.OesFboRenderMipmap

Removed Type OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.OesFragmentPrecisionHigh

Removed Type OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.OesTextureFloat

Removed Type OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.OesTextureFloatLinear

Removed Type OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.OesTextureHalfFloatLinear

Removed Type OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.OesTextureNpot

Removed Type OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.OesVertexHalfFloat

Removed Type OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.QcomDriverControl

Removed Type OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.QcomExtendedGet2

New Type OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.AngleFramebufferBlit

public enum AngleFramebufferBlit {
	DrawFramebufferAngle = 36009,
	DrawFramebufferBindingAngle = 36006,
	ReadFramebufferAngle = 36008,
	ReadFramebufferBindingAngle = 36010,

New Type OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.AngleFramebufferMultisample

public enum AngleFramebufferMultisample {
	FramebufferIncompleteMultisampleAngle = 36182,
	MaxSamplesAngle = 36183,
	RenderbufferSamplesAngle = 36011,

New Type OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.AngleInstancedArrays

public enum AngleInstancedArrays {
	VertexAttribArrayDivisorAngle = 35070,

New Type OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.AnglePackReverseRowOrder

public enum AnglePackReverseRowOrder {
	PackReverseRowOrderAngle = 37796,

New Type OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.AngleProgramBinary

public enum AngleProgramBinary {
	ProgramBinaryAngle = 37798,

New Type OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.AngleTextureCompressionDxt3

public enum AngleTextureCompressionDxt3 {
	CompressedRgbaS3tcDxt3Angle = 33778,

New Type OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.AngleTextureCompressionDxt5

public enum AngleTextureCompressionDxt5 {
	CompressedRgbaS3tcDxt5Angle = 33779,

New Type OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.AngleTextureUsage

public enum AngleTextureUsage {
	FramebufferAttachmentAngle = 37795,
	TextureUsageAngle = 37794,

New Type OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.AngleTranslatedShaderSource

public enum AngleTranslatedShaderSource {
	TranslatedShaderSourceLengthAngle = 37792,

New Type OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.AppleFramebufferMultisample

public enum AppleFramebufferMultisample {
	DrawFramebufferApple = 36009,
	DrawFramebufferBindingApple = 36006,
	FramebufferIncompleteMultisampleApple = 36182,
	MaxSamplesApple = 36183,
	ReadFramebufferApple = 36008,
	ReadFramebufferBindingApple = 36010,
	RenderbufferSamplesApple = 36011,

New Type OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.AppleRgb422

public enum AppleRgb422 {
	Rgb422Apple = 35359,
	RgbRaw422Apple = 35409,
	UnsignedShort88Apple = 34234,
	UnsignedShort88RevApple = 34235,

New Type OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.AppleSync

public enum AppleSync {
	AlreadySignaledApple = 37146,
	ConditionSatisfiedApple = 37148,
	MaxServerWaitTimeoutApple = 37137,
	ObjectTypeApple = 37138,
	SignaledApple = 37145,
	SyncConditionApple = 37139,
	SyncFenceApple = 37142,
	SyncFlagsApple = 37141,
	SyncFlushCommandsBitApple = 1,
	SyncGpuCommandsCompleteApple = 37143,
	SyncObjectApple = 35411,
	SyncStatusApple = 37140,
	TimeoutExpiredApple = 37147,
	TimeoutIgnoredApple = -1,
	UnsignaledApple = 37144,
	WaitFailedApple = 37149,

New Type OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.AppleTextureFormatBgra8888

public enum AppleTextureFormatBgra8888 {
	Bgra8Ext = 37793,
	BgraExt = 32993,

New Type OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.AppleTextureMaxLevel

public enum AppleTextureMaxLevel {
	TextureMaxLevelApple = 33085,

New Type OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.ArmMaliProgramBinary

public enum ArmMaliProgramBinary {
	MaliProgramBinaryArm = 36705,

New Type OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.ArmMaliShaderBinary

public enum ArmMaliShaderBinary {
	MaliShaderBinaryArm = 36704,

New Type OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.ArmShaderFramebufferFetch

public enum ArmShaderFramebufferFetch {
	FetchPerSampleArm = 36709,
	FragmentShaderFramebufferFetchMrtArm = 36710,

New Type OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.DmpshaderBinary

public enum DmpshaderBinary {
	ShaderBinaryDmp = 37456,

New Type OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.ExtColorBufferHalfFloat

public enum ExtColorBufferHalfFloat {
	FramebufferAttachmentComponentTypeExt = 33297,
	R16fExt = 33325,
	Rg16fExt = 33327,
	Rgb16fExt = 34843,
	Rgba16fExt = 34842,
	UnsignedNormalizedExt = 35863,

New Type OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.ExtDebugLabel

public enum ExtDebugLabel {
	BufferObjectExt = 37201,
	ProgramObjectExt = 35648,
	ProgramPipelineObjectExt = 35407,
	QueryObjectExt = 37203,
	ShaderObjectExt = 35656,
	TransformFeedback = 36386,
	VertexArrayObjectExt = 37204,

New Type OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.ExtDisjointTimerQuery

public enum ExtDisjointTimerQuery {
	CurrentQueryExt = 34917,
	GpuDisjointExt = 36795,
	QueryCounterBitsExt = 34916,
	QueryResultAvailableExt = 34919,
	QueryResultExt = 34918,
	TimeElapsedExt = 35007,
	TimestampExt = 36392,

New Type OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.ExtDrawBuffers

public enum ExtDrawBuffers {
	ColorAttachment0Ext = 36064,
	ColorAttachment10Ext = 36074,
	ColorAttachment11Ext = 36075,
	ColorAttachment12Ext = 36076,
	ColorAttachment13Ext = 36077,
	ColorAttachment14Ext = 36078,
	ColorAttachment15Ext = 36079,
	ColorAttachment1Ext = 36065,
	ColorAttachment2Ext = 36066,
	ColorAttachment3Ext = 36067,
	ColorAttachment4Ext = 36068,
	ColorAttachment5Ext = 36069,
	ColorAttachment6Ext = 36070,
	ColorAttachment7Ext = 36071,
	ColorAttachment8Ext = 36072,
	ColorAttachment9Ext = 36073,
	DrawBuffer0Ext = 34853,
	DrawBuffer10Ext = 34863,
	DrawBuffer11Ext = 34864,
	DrawBuffer12Ext = 34865,
	DrawBuffer13Ext = 34866,
	DrawBuffer14Ext = 34867,
	DrawBuffer15Ext = 34868,
	DrawBuffer1Ext = 34854,
	DrawBuffer2Ext = 34855,
	DrawBuffer3Ext = 34856,
	DrawBuffer4Ext = 34857,
	DrawBuffer5Ext = 34858,
	DrawBuffer6Ext = 34859,
	DrawBuffer7Ext = 34860,
	DrawBuffer8Ext = 34861,
	DrawBuffer9Ext = 34862,
	MaxColorAttachmentsExt = 36063,
	MaxDrawBuffersExt = 34852,

New Type OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.ExtDrawBuffersIndexed

public enum ExtDrawBuffersIndexed {
	Max = 32776,
	Min = 32775,

New Type OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.ExtGeometryShader

public enum ExtGeometryShader {
	FirstVertexConventionExt = 36429,
	FramebufferAttachmentLayeredExt = 36263,
	FramebufferDefaultLayersExt = 37650,
	FramebufferIncompleteLayerTargetsExt = 36264,
	GeometryLinkedInputTypeExt = 35095,
	GeometryLinkedOutputTypeExt = 35096,
	GeometryLinkedVerticesOutExt = 35094,
	GeometryShaderBitExt = 4,
	GeometryShaderExt = 36313,
	GeometryShaderInvocationsExt = 34943,
	LastVertexConventionExt = 36430,
	LayerProvokingVertexExt = 33374,
	LinesAdjacencyExt = 10,
	LineStripAdjacencyExt = 11,
	MaxCombinedGeometryUniformComponentsExt = 35378,
	MaxFramebufferLayersExt = 37655,
	MaxGeometryAtomicCounterBuffersExt = 37583,
	MaxGeometryAtomicCountersExt = 37589,
	MaxGeometryImageUniformsExt = 37069,
	MaxGeometryInputComponentsExt = 37155,
	MaxGeometryOutputComponentsExt = 37156,
	MaxGeometryOutputVerticesExt = 36320,
	MaxGeometryShaderInvocationsExt = 36442,
	MaxGeometryShaderStorageBlocksExt = 37079,
	MaxGeometryTextureImageUnitsExt = 35881,
	MaxGeometryTotalOutputComponentsExt = 36321,
	MaxGeometryUniformBlocksExt = 35372,
	MaxGeometryUniformComponentsExt = 36319,
	PrimitivesGeneratedExt = 35975,
	ReferencedByGeometryShaderExt = 37641,
	TrianglesAdjacencyExt = 12,
	TriangleStripAdjacencyExt = 13,
	UndefinedVertexExt = 33376,

New Type OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.ExtInstancedArrays

public enum ExtInstancedArrays {
	VertexAttribArrayDivisorExt = 35070,

New Type OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.ExtMapBufferRange

public enum ExtMapBufferRange {
	MapFlushExplicitBitExt = 16,
	MapInvalidateBufferBitExt = 8,
	MapInvalidateRangeBitExt = 4,
	MapReadBitExt = 1,
	MapUnsynchronizedBitExt = 32,
	MapWriteBitExt = 2,

New Type OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.ExtMultisampledRenderToTexture

public enum ExtMultisampledRenderToTexture {
	FramebufferAttachmentTextureSamplesExt = 36204,
	FramebufferIncompleteMultisampleExt = 36182,
	MaxSamplesExt = 36183,
	RenderbufferSamplesExt = 36011,

New Type OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.ExtMultiviewDrawBuffers

public enum ExtMultiviewDrawBuffers {
	ColorAttachmentExt = 37104,
	DrawBufferExt = 3073,
	MaxMultiviewBuffersExt = 37106,
	MultiviewExt = 37105,
	ReadBufferExt = 3074,

New Type OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.ExtOcclusionQueryBoolean

public enum ExtOcclusionQueryBoolean {
	AnySamplesPassedConservativeExt = 36202,
	AnySamplesPassedExt = 35887,

New Type OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.ExtPrimitiveBoundingBox

public enum ExtPrimitiveBoundingBox {
	PrimitiveBoundingBoxExt = 37566,

New Type OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.ExtPvrtcSrgb

public enum ExtPvrtcSrgb {
	CompressedSrgbAlphaPvrtc2Bppv1Ext = 35414,
	CompressedSrgbAlphaPvrtc2Bppv2Img = 37872,
	CompressedSrgbAlphaPvrtc4Bppv1Ext = 35415,
	CompressedSrgbAlphaPvrtc4Bppv2Img = 37873,
	CompressedSrgbPvrtc2Bppv1Ext = 35412,
	CompressedSrgbPvrtc4Bppv1Ext = 35413,

New Type OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.ExtRobustness

public enum ExtRobustness {
	ContextRobustAccessExt = 37107,
	GuiltyContextResetExt = 33363,
	InnocentContextResetExt = 33364,
	LoseContextOnResetExt = 33362,
	NoResetNotificationExt = 33377,
	ResetNotificationStrategyExt = 33366,
	UnknownContextResetExt = 33365,

New Type OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.ExtSeparateShaderObjects

public enum ExtSeparateShaderObjects {
	ActiveProgramExt = 33369,
	AllShaderBitsExt = -1,
	FragmentShaderBitExt = 2,
	ProgramPipelineBindingExt = 33370,
	ProgramSeparableExt = 33368,
	VertexShaderBitExt = 1,

New Type OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.ExtShaderFramebufferFetch

public enum ExtShaderFramebufferFetch {
	FragmentShaderDiscardsSamplesExt = 35410,

New Type OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.ExtShaderPixelLocalStorage

public enum ExtShaderPixelLocalStorage {
	MaxShaderPixelLocalStorageFastSizeExt = 36707,
	MaxShaderPixelLocalStorageSizeExt = 36711,
	ShaderPixelLocalStorageExt = 36708,

New Type OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.ExtShadowSamplers

public enum ExtShadowSamplers {
	CompareRefToTextureExt = 34894,
	Sampler2DShadowExt = 35682,
	TextureCompareFuncExt = 34893,
	TextureCompareModeExt = 34892,

New Type OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.ExtSrgb

public enum ExtSrgb {
	FramebufferAttachmentColorEncodingExt = 33296,
	Srgb8Alpha8Ext = 35907,
	SrgbAlphaExt = 35906,
	SrgbExt = 35904,

New Type OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.ExtSrgbWriteControl

public enum ExtSrgbWriteControl {
	FramebufferSrgbExt = 36281,

New Type OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.ExtTessellationShader

public enum ExtTessellationShader {
	FractionalEvenExt = 36476,
	FractionalOddExt = 36475,
	IsolinesExt = 36474,
	IsPerPatchExt = 37607,
	MaxCombinedTessControlUniformComponentsExt = 36382,
	MaxCombinedTessEvaluationUniformComponentsExt = 36383,
	MaxPatchVerticesExt = 36477,
	MaxTessControlAtomicCounterBuffersExt = 37581,
	MaxTessControlAtomicCountersExt = 37587,
	MaxTessControlImageUniformsExt = 37067,
	MaxTessControlInputComponentsExt = 34924,
	MaxTessControlOutputComponentsExt = 36483,
	MaxTessControlShaderStorageBlocksExt = 37080,
	MaxTessControlTextureImageUnitsExt = 36481,
	MaxTessControlTotalOutputComponentsExt = 36485,
	MaxTessControlUniformBlocksExt = 36489,
	MaxTessControlUniformComponentsExt = 36479,
	MaxTessEvaluationAtomicCounterBuffersExt = 37582,
	MaxTessEvaluationAtomicCountersExt = 37588,
	MaxTessEvaluationImageUniformsExt = 37068,
	MaxTessEvaluationInputComponentsExt = 34925,
	MaxTessEvaluationOutputComponentsExt = 36486,
	MaxTessEvaluationShaderStorageBlocksExt = 37081,
	MaxTessEvaluationTextureImageUnitsExt = 36482,
	MaxTessEvaluationUniformBlocksExt = 36490,
	MaxTessEvaluationUniformComponentsExt = 36480,
	MaxTessGenLevelExt = 36478,
	MaxTessPatchComponentsExt = 36484,
	PatchesExt = 14,
	PatchVerticesExt = 36466,
	PrimitiveRestartForPatchesSupported = 33313,
	QuadsExt = 7,
	ReferencedByTessControlShaderExt = 37639,
	ReferencedByTessEvaluationShaderExt = 37640,
	TessControlOutputVerticesExt = 36469,
	TessControlShaderBitExt = 8,
	TessControlShaderExt = 36488,
	TessEvaluationShaderBitExt = 16,
	TessEvaluationShaderExt = 36487,
	TessGenModeExt = 36470,
	TessGenPointModeExt = 36473,
	TessGenSpacingExt = 36471,
	TessGenVertexOrderExt = 36472,

New Type OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.ExtTextureBorderClamp

public enum ExtTextureBorderClamp {
	ClampToBorderExt = 33069,
	TextureBorderColorExt = 4100,

New Type OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.ExtTextureBuffer

public enum ExtTextureBuffer {
	ImageBufferExt = 36945,
	IntImageBufferExt = 36956,
	IntSamplerBufferExt = 36304,
	MaxTextureBufferSizeExt = 35883,
	SamplerBufferExt = 36290,
	TextureBindingBufferExt = 35884,
	TextureBufferBindingExt = 35882,
	TextureBufferDataStoreBindingExt = 35885,
	TextureBufferExt = 35882,
	TextureBufferOffsetAlignmentExt = 37279,
	TextureBufferOffsetExt = 37277,
	TextureBufferSizeExt = 37278,
	UnsignedIntImageBufferExt = 36967,
	UnsignedIntSamplerBufferExt = 36312,

New Type OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.ExtTextureCompressionS3tc

public enum ExtTextureCompressionS3tc {
	CompressedRgbaS3tcDxt3Ext = 33778,
	CompressedRgbaS3tcDxt5Ext = 33779,

New Type OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.ExtTextureCubeMapArray

public enum ExtTextureCubeMapArray {
	ImageCubeMapArrayExt = 36948,
	IntImageCubeMapArrayExt = 36959,
	IntSamplerCubeMapArrayExt = 36878,
	SamplerCubeMapArrayExt = 36876,
	SamplerCubeMapArrayShadowExt = 36877,
	TextureBindingCubeMapArrayExt = 36874,
	TextureCubeMapArrayExt = 36873,
	UnsignedIntImageCubeMapArrayExt = 36970,
	UnsignedIntSamplerCubeMapArrayExt = 36879,

New Type OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.ExtTextureRg

public enum ExtTextureRg {
	R8Ext = 33321,
	RedExt = 6403,
	Rg8Ext = 33323,
	RgExt = 33319,

New Type OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.ExtTextureSrgbDecode

public enum ExtTextureSrgbDecode {
	DecodeExt = 35401,
	SkipDecodeExt = 35402,
	TextureSrgbDecodeExt = 35400,

New Type OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.ExtTextureStorage

public enum ExtTextureStorage {
	Alpha16fExt = 34844,
	Alpha32fExt = 34838,
	Alpha8Ext = 32828,
	Luminance16fExt = 34846,
	Luminance32fExt = 34840,
	Luminance8Alpha8Ext = 32837,
	Luminance8Ext = 32832,
	LuminanceAlpha16fExt = 34847,
	LuminanceAlpha32fExt = 34841,
	R32fExt = 33326,
	Rg32fExt = 33328,
	Rgb32fExt = 34837,
	Rgba32fExt = 34836,
	TextureImmutableFormatExt = 37167,

New Type OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.ExtTextureView

public enum ExtTextureView {
	TextureImmutableLevels = 33503,
	TextureViewMinLayerExt = 33501,
	TextureViewMinLevelExt = 33499,
	TextureViewNumLayersExt = 33502,
	TextureViewNumLevelsExt = 33500,

New Type OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.ExtUnpackSubimage

public enum ExtUnpackSubimage {
	UnpackRowLengthExt = 3314,
	UnpackSkipPixelsExt = 3316,
	UnpackSkipRowsExt = 3315,

New Type OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.FjshaderBinaryGccso

public enum FjshaderBinaryGccso {
	GccsoShaderBinaryFj = 37472,

New Type OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.ImgTextureCompressionPvrtc2

public enum ImgTextureCompressionPvrtc2 {
	CompressedRgbaPvrtc2Bppv2Img = 37175,
	CompressedRgbaPvrtc4Bppv2Img = 37176,

New Type OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.IntelPerformanceQuery

public enum IntelPerformanceQuery {
	PerfqueryCounterDataBool32Intel = 38140,
	PerfqueryCounterDataDoubleIntel = 38139,
	PerfqueryCounterDataFloatIntel = 38138,
	PerfqueryCounterDataUint32Intel = 38136,
	PerfqueryCounterDataUint64Intel = 38137,
	PerfqueryCounterDescLengthMaxIntel = 38143,
	PerfqueryCounterDurationNormIntel = 38129,
	PerfqueryCounterDurationRawIntel = 38130,
	PerfqueryCounterEventIntel = 38128,
	PerfqueryCounterNameLengthMaxIntel = 38142,
	PerfqueryCounterRawIntel = 38132,
	PerfqueryCounterThroughputIntel = 38131,
	PerfqueryCounterTimestampIntel = 38133,
	PerfqueryDonotFlushIntel = 33785,
	PerfqueryFlushIntel = 33786,
	PerfqueryGlobalContextIntel = 1,
	PerfqueryGpaExtendedCountersIntel = 38144,
	PerfqueryQueryNameLengthMaxIntel = 38141,
	PerfquerySingleContextIntel = 0,
	PerfqueryWaitIntel = 33787,

New Type OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.KhrblendEquationAdvanced

public enum KhrblendEquationAdvanced {
	BlendAdvancedCoherentKhr = 37509,
	ColorburnKhr = 37530,
	ColordodgeKhr = 37529,
	DarkenKhr = 37527,
	DifferenceKhr = 37534,
	ExclusionKhr = 37536,
	HardlightKhr = 37531,
	HslColorKhr = 37551,
	HslHueKhr = 37549,
	HslLuminosityKhr = 37552,
	HslSaturationKhr = 37550,
	LightenKhr = 37528,
	MultiplyKhr = 37524,
	OverlayKhr = 37526,
	ScreenKhr = 37525,
	SoftlightKhr = 37532,

New Type OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.Khrdebug

public enum Khrdebug {
	BufferKhr = 33504,
	ContextFlagDebugBitKhr = 2,
	DebugCallbackFunctionKhr = 33348,
	DebugCallbackUserParamKhr = 33349,
	DebugGroupStackDepthKhr = 33389,
	DebugLoggedMessagesKhr = 37189,
	DebugNextLoggedMessageLengthKhr = 33347,
	DebugOutputKhr = 37600,
	DebugOutputSynchronousKhr = 33346,
	DebugSeverityHighKhr = 37190,
	DebugSeverityLowKhr = 37192,
	DebugSeverityMediumKhr = 37191,
	DebugSeverityNotificationKhr = 33387,
	DebugSourceApiKhr = 33350,
	DebugSourceApplicationKhr = 33354,
	DebugSourceOtherKhr = 33355,
	DebugSourceShaderCompilerKhr = 33352,
	DebugSourceThirdPartyKhr = 33353,
	DebugSourceWindowSystemKhr = 33351,
	DebugTypeDeprecatedBehaviorKhr = 33357,
	DebugTypeErrorKhr = 33356,
	DebugTypeMarkerKhr = 33384,
	DebugTypeOtherKhr = 33361,
	DebugTypePerformanceKhr = 33360,
	DebugTypePopGroupKhr = 33386,
	DebugTypePortabilityKhr = 33359,
	DebugTypePushGroupKhr = 33385,
	DebugTypeUndefinedBehaviorKhr = 33358,
	MaxDebugGroupStackDepthKhr = 33388,
	MaxDebugLoggedMessagesKhr = 37188,
	MaxDebugMessageLengthKhr = 37187,
	MaxLabelLengthKhr = 33512,
	ProgramKhr = 33506,
	QueryKhr = 33507,
	Sampler = 33510,
	SamplerKhr = 33510,
	ShaderKhr = 33505,
	StackOverflowKhr = 1283,
	StackUnderflowKhr = 1284,
	VertexArrayKhr = 32884,

New Type OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.KhrtextureCompressionAstcHdr

public enum KhrtextureCompressionAstcHdr {
	CompressedRgbaAstc10X10Khr = 37819,
	CompressedRgbaAstc10X5Khr = 37816,
	CompressedRgbaAstc10X6Khr = 37817,
	CompressedRgbaAstc10X8Khr = 37818,
	CompressedRgbaAstc12X10Khr = 37820,
	CompressedRgbaAstc12X12Khr = 37821,
	CompressedRgbaAstc4X4Khr = 37808,
	CompressedRgbaAstc5X4Khr = 37809,
	CompressedRgbaAstc5X5Khr = 37810,
	CompressedRgbaAstc6X5Khr = 37811,
	CompressedRgbaAstc6X6Khr = 37812,
	CompressedRgbaAstc8X5Khr = 37813,
	CompressedRgbaAstc8X6Khr = 37814,
	CompressedRgbaAstc8X8Khr = 37815,
	CompressedSrgb8Alpha8Astc10X10Khr = 37851,
	CompressedSrgb8Alpha8Astc10X5Khr = 37848,
	CompressedSrgb8Alpha8Astc10X6Khr = 37849,
	CompressedSrgb8Alpha8Astc10X8Khr = 37850,
	CompressedSrgb8Alpha8Astc12X10Khr = 37852,
	CompressedSrgb8Alpha8Astc12X12Khr = 37853,
	CompressedSrgb8Alpha8Astc4X4Khr = 37840,
	CompressedSrgb8Alpha8Astc5X4Khr = 37841,
	CompressedSrgb8Alpha8Astc5X5Khr = 37842,
	CompressedSrgb8Alpha8Astc6X5Khr = 37843,
	CompressedSrgb8Alpha8Astc6X6Khr = 37844,
	CompressedSrgb8Alpha8Astc8X5Khr = 37845,
	CompressedSrgb8Alpha8Astc8X6Khr = 37846,
	CompressedSrgb8Alpha8Astc8X8Khr = 37847,

New Type OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.NvBlendEquationAdvanced

public enum NvBlendEquationAdvanced {
	BlendOverlapNv = 37505,
	BlendPremultipliedSrcNv = 37504,
	BlueNv = 6405,
	ColorburnNv = 37530,
	ColordodgeNv = 37529,
	ConjointNv = 37508,
	ContrastNv = 37537,
	DarkenNv = 37527,
	DifferenceNv = 37534,
	DisjointNv = 37507,
	DstAtopNv = 37519,
	DstInNv = 37515,
	DstNv = 37511,
	DstOutNv = 37517,
	DstOverNv = 37513,
	ExclusionNv = 37536,
	GreenNv = 6404,
	HardlightNv = 37531,
	HardmixNv = 37545,
	HslColorNv = 37551,
	HslHueNv = 37549,
	HslLuminosityNv = 37552,
	HslSaturationNv = 37550,
	InvertOvgNv = 37556,
	InvertRgbNv = 37539,
	LightenNv = 37528,
	LinearburnNv = 37541,
	LineardodgeNv = 37540,
	LinearlightNv = 37543,
	MinusClampedNv = 37555,
	MinusNv = 37535,
	MultiplyNv = 37524,
	OverlayNv = 37526,
	PinlightNv = 37544,
	PlusClampedAlphaNv = 37554,
	PlusClampedNv = 37553,
	PlusDarkerNv = 37522,
	PlusNv = 37521,
	RedNv = 6403,
	ScreenNv = 37525,
	SoftlightNv = 37532,
	SrcAtopNv = 37518,
	SrcInNv = 37514,
	SrcNv = 37510,
	SrcOutNv = 37516,
	SrcOverNv = 37512,
	UncorrelatedNv = 37506,
	VividlightNv = 37542,
	XorNv = 5382,

New Type OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.NvBlendEquationAdvancedCoherent

public enum NvBlendEquationAdvancedCoherent {
	BlendAdvancedCoherentNv = 37509,

New Type OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.NvCopyBuffer

public enum NvCopyBuffer {
	CopyReadBufferNv = 36662,
	CopyWriteBufferNv = 36663,

New Type OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.NvDrawBuffers

public enum NvDrawBuffers {
	ColorAttachment0Nv = 36064,
	ColorAttachment10Nv = 36074,
	ColorAttachment11Nv = 36075,
	ColorAttachment12Nv = 36076,
	ColorAttachment13Nv = 36077,
	ColorAttachment14Nv = 36078,
	ColorAttachment15Nv = 36079,
	ColorAttachment1Nv = 36065,
	ColorAttachment2Nv = 36066,
	ColorAttachment3Nv = 36067,
	ColorAttachment4Nv = 36068,
	ColorAttachment5Nv = 36069,
	ColorAttachment6Nv = 36070,
	ColorAttachment7Nv = 36071,
	ColorAttachment8Nv = 36072,
	ColorAttachment9Nv = 36073,
	DrawBuffer0Nv = 34853,
	DrawBuffer10Nv = 34863,
	DrawBuffer11Nv = 34864,
	DrawBuffer12Nv = 34865,
	DrawBuffer13Nv = 34866,
	DrawBuffer14Nv = 34867,
	DrawBuffer15Nv = 34868,
	DrawBuffer1Nv = 34854,
	DrawBuffer2Nv = 34855,
	DrawBuffer3Nv = 34856,
	DrawBuffer4Nv = 34857,
	DrawBuffer5Nv = 34858,
	DrawBuffer6Nv = 34859,
	DrawBuffer7Nv = 34860,
	DrawBuffer8Nv = 34861,
	DrawBuffer9Nv = 34862,
	MaxDrawBuffersNv = 34852,

New Type OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.NvFboColorAttachments

public enum NvFboColorAttachments {
	MaxColorAttachmentsNv = 36063,

New Type OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.NvFramebufferBlit

public enum NvFramebufferBlit {
	DrawFramebufferBindingNv = 36006,
	DrawFramebufferNv = 36009,
	ReadFramebufferBindingNv = 36010,
	ReadFramebufferNv = 36008,

New Type OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.NvFramebufferMultisample

public enum NvFramebufferMultisample {
	FramebufferIncompleteMultisampleNv = 36182,
	MaxSamplesNv = 36183,
	RenderbufferSamplesNv = 36011,

New Type OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.NvInstancedArrays

public enum NvInstancedArrays {
	VertexAttribArrayDivisorNv = 35070,

New Type OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.NvNonSquareMatrices

public enum NvNonSquareMatrices {
	FloatMat2x3Nv = 35685,
	FloatMat2x4Nv = 35686,
	FloatMat3x2Nv = 35687,
	FloatMat3x4Nv = 35688,
	FloatMat4x2Nv = 35689,
	FloatMat4x3Nv = 35690,

New Type OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.NvReadBuffer

public enum NvReadBuffer {
	ReadBufferNv = 3074,

New Type OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.NvShadowSamplersArray

public enum NvShadowSamplersArray {
	Sampler2DArrayShadowNv = 36292,

New Type OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.NvShadowSamplersCube

public enum NvShadowSamplersCube {
	SamplerCubeShadowNv = 36293,

New Type OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.NvSrgbFormats

public enum NvSrgbFormats {
	CompressedSrgbAlphaS3tcDxt1Nv = 35917,
	CompressedSrgbAlphaS3tcDxt3Nv = 35918,
	CompressedSrgbAlphaS3tcDxt5Nv = 35919,
	CompressedSrgbS3tcDxt1Nv = 35916,
	Etc1Srgb8Nv = 35054,
	Sluminance8Alpha8Nv = 35909,
	Sluminance8Nv = 35911,
	SluminanceAlphaNv = 35908,
	SluminanceNv = 35910,
	Srgb8Nv = 35905,

New Type OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.NvTextureBorderClamp

public enum NvTextureBorderClamp {
	ClampToBorderNv = 33069,
	TextureBorderColorNv = 4100,

New Type OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.OesRequiredInternalformat

public enum OesRequiredInternalformat {
	Alpha8Oes = 32828,
	DepthComponent16Oes = 33189,
	Luminance4Alpha4Oes = 32835,
	Luminance8Alpha8Oes = 32837,
	Luminance8Oes = 32832,
	Rgb10A2Ext = 32857,
	Rgb10Ext = 32850,
	Rgb565Oes = 36194,
	Rgb5A1Oes = 32855,
	Rgb8Oes = 32849,
	Rgba4Oes = 32854,
	Rgba8Oes = 32856,

New Type OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.OesSampleShading

public enum OesSampleShading {
	MinSampleShadingValueOes = 35895,
	SampleShadingOes = 35894,

New Type OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.OesShaderMultisampleInterpolation

public enum OesShaderMultisampleInterpolation {
	FragmentInterpolationOffsetBitsOes = 36445,
	MaxFragmentInterpolationOffsetOes = 36444,
	MinFragmentInterpolationOffsetOes = 36443,

New Type OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.OesSurfacelessContext

public enum OesSurfacelessContext {
	FramebufferUndefinedOes = 33305,

New Type OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.OesTextureCompressionAstc

public enum OesTextureCompressionAstc {
	CompressedRgbaAstc3X3x3Oes = 37824,
	CompressedRgbaAstc4X3x3Oes = 37825,
	CompressedRgbaAstc4X4x3Oes = 37826,
	CompressedRgbaAstc4X4x4Oes = 37827,
	CompressedRgbaAstc5X4x4Oes = 37828,
	CompressedRgbaAstc5X5x4Oes = 37829,
	CompressedRgbaAstc5X5x5Oes = 37830,
	CompressedRgbaAstc6X5x5Oes = 37831,
	CompressedRgbaAstc6X6x5Oes = 37832,
	CompressedRgbaAstc6X6x6Oes = 37833,
	CompressedSrgb8Alpha8Astc3X3x3Oes = 37856,
	CompressedSrgb8Alpha8Astc4X3x3Oes = 37857,
	CompressedSrgb8Alpha8Astc4X4x3Oes = 37858,
	CompressedSrgb8Alpha8Astc4X4x4Oes = 37859,
	CompressedSrgb8Alpha8Astc5X4x4Oes = 37860,
	CompressedSrgb8Alpha8Astc5X5x4Oes = 37861,
	CompressedSrgb8Alpha8Astc5X5x5Oes = 37862,
	CompressedSrgb8Alpha8Astc6X5x5Oes = 37863,
	CompressedSrgb8Alpha8Astc6X6x5Oes = 37864,
	CompressedSrgb8Alpha8Astc6X6x6Oes = 37865,

New Type OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.OesTextureStencil8

public enum OesTextureStencil8 {
	StencilIndex8Oes = 36168,
	StencilIndexOes = 6401,

New Type OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.OesTextureStorageMultisample2dArray

public enum OesTextureStorageMultisample2dArray {
	IntSampler2DMultisampleArrayOes = 37132,
	Sampler2DMultisampleArrayOes = 37131,
	Texture2DMultisampleArrayOes = 37122,
	TextureBinding2DMultisampleArrayOes = 37125,
	UnsignedIntSampler2DMultisampleArrayOes = 37133,

New Type OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.QcomAlphaTest

public enum QcomAlphaTest {
	AlphaTestFuncQcom = 3009,
	AlphaTestQcom = 3008,
	AlphaTestRefQcom = 3010,

New Type OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.QcomBinningControl

public enum QcomBinningControl {
	BinningControlHintQcom = 36784,
	CpuOptimizedQcom = 36785,
	GpuOptimizedQcom = 36786,
	RenderDirectToFramebufferQcom = 36787,

New Type OpenTK.Graphics.ES20.VivShaderBinary

public enum VivShaderBinary {
	ShaderBinaryViv = 36804,