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Xamarin.iOS 8.0

Xamarin.iOS 8.0

The Xamarin.iOS 8.x series introduces support for Apple's iOS 8.0 APIs. This version is based on the final release of Apple's Xcode 6 and includes support for the iOS8 SDK API.

Check our Introduction to iOS 8.0

to learn about the new features introduced.

Xamarin.iOS 8.0 is based on the recently release 7.4 version

with an updated (3.6) VS support

and a new Xamarin Studio (5.4)

to add IDE support for the new iOS 8 features.

For references the release notes for the Xamarin.iOS 7.9.x previews (iOS 8 betas) are available here

.## Major features

New iOS 8.0 API

We have bound the new iOS 8 APIs for you, both the improvements to the existing frameworks as well as bindings for the new and exciting iOS 8 frameworks (AVKit, CloudKit, CoreAudioKit, HealthKit, HomeKit, LocalAuthentication, Metal, NotificationCenter, Photos, PhotosUI, SceneKit, WebKit)Several existing frameworks were also enhanced with new types and API. The following document contains a list of the API changes from API changes from 7.4 to 8.0.

Xcode 6.0 support

This release adds support for Apple Xcode 6.0. All new iOS8 features require Xcode 6 (or later) to work. Earlier versions of Xcode (5.x) are supported but Apple do require using the latest stable Xcode and SDK to publish to the App Store.## Enhancements

  • [mtouch] Add support for selecting simulator by UDID, allowing the use of the new iPhone6 and iPhone6 Plus simulators;
  • [fsharp] Added F# assemblies to the unified API;
  • Updated unified support to include the new iOS8 API;
  • xbuild is now used to build new iOS8 projects (along with unified projects).

Bug fixes

  • [msbuild] Fix Starter/Indeix builds using xbuild [#22556]
  • [uikit] Fix (beta only regression) GetSupportedInterfaceOrientations [#22899]
  • [aot] Only AOT-compile the ABIs for each target [#22933]
  • [unified] NMath.Min incorrect implementation [#22957]
  • [security] Fix mutating method sent to immutable object (< iOS7) [desk #83099]
  • [runtime] Add support for objects posing as instances of other types [desk #86994]
  • [llvm] Some ARM64 fixes (unified) for the LLVM backend

Important Notes

Apple Xcode 6 requires Mac OSX 10.9.4+ (Mavericks) or 10.10 (Yosemite). Earlier versions, e.g. OSX 10.8 (Mountain Lion), are not supported.

Apple releases notes contains a list of changes and known issues for both iOS 8 and Xcode 6 that you should review.

Known Issues

Using the iOS 7.0 and 7.1 simulators included with Xcode 6 is not currently supported. The issue is being tracked in bug 22750 and will be fixed in the 8.2.0 release.