Xamarin.iOS - In-App Purchase Samples

This sample contains four projects:

  • Consumable purchases docs

  • Non-Consumable purchases docs

  • Non-Consumable purchases using iOS 6 hosted content docs

  • ProductView using iOS 6 feature purchase iTunes/App Store/iBookstore content in your app docs

There is also a directory containing the Xcode projects that are used to build Hosted Content for iOS 6 in-app purchases.

In-App Purchasing

screenshot screenshot screenshot

NOTE: it does NOT demonstrate RECEIPT VERIFICATION, so you'll have to add this in yourself.

Check out @redth's server-side code to help build your own receipt verification logic with ASP.NET:


FYI the sample code is based in-part on @jtclancey's AppStore code here:


Store Product View

This sample demonstrates the new iOS 6 SKStoreProductViewController that lets applications display iTunes, App Store and iBookstore products for review or purchase.



There's a bit of set-up required for In-App Purchases (registering your bank details with Apple, setting up the products in the iOS Developer Portal, Provisioning your app correctly). These steps are the same for MonoTouch and Objective-C, so Apple's setup doco might help [1]. You should also read Apple's In-App Purchase programming docs [2], for familiarity.

[1] http://developer.apple.com/library/ios/#technotes/tn2259/_index.html

[2] https://developer.apple.com/library/ios/#documentation/NetworkingInternet/Conceptual/StoreKitGuide/Introduction/Introduction.html