IHeterogeneousExpandableList.GetChildType(Int32, Int32) Method


Get the type of child View that will be created by android.widget.ExpandableListAdapter#getChildView(int, int, boolean, View, ViewGroup) for the specified child item.

[Android.Runtime.Register("getChildType", "(II)I", "GetGetChildType_IIHandler:Android.Widget.IHeterogeneousExpandableListInvoker, Mono.Android, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null")]
public int GetChildType (int groupPosition, int childPosition);
[<Android.Runtime.Register("getChildType", "(II)I", "GetGetChildType_IIHandler:Android.Widget.IHeterogeneousExpandableListInvoker, Mono.Android, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null")>]
abstract member GetChildType : int * int -> int



the position of the group that the child resides in


the position of the child with respect to other children in the group


An integer representing the type of child View. Two child views should share the same type if one can be converted to the other in android.widget.ExpandableListAdapter#getChildView(int, int, boolean, View, ViewGroup) Note: Integers must be in the range 0 to #getChildTypeCount - 1. android.widget.Adapter#IGNORE_ITEM_VIEW_TYPE can also be returned.



Get the type of child View that will be created by android.widget.ExpandableListAdapter#getChildView(int, int, boolean, View, ViewGroup) for the specified child item.

Java documentation for android.widget.HeterogeneousExpandableList.getChildType(int, int).

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See also