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HMServiceType Enum


Enumerates known types of HMService.

This enumeration supports a bitwise combination of its member values.

[ObjCRuntime.Introduced(ObjCRuntime.PlatformName.iOS, 8, 0, ObjCRuntime.PlatformArchitecture.All, null)]
[ObjCRuntime.Introduced(ObjCRuntime.PlatformName.TvOS, 10, 0, ObjCRuntime.PlatformArchitecture.All, null)]
public enum HMServiceType
type HMServiceType = 


AccessoryInformation 5

Indicates accessory information.

AirPurifier 33
AirQualitySensor 10

A sensor that monitors air quality.

Battery 11

An energy storage device.

CameraControl 29

A video camera.

CameraRtpStreamManagement 28

A camera management interface.

CarbonDioxideSensor 12

A sensor that detects CO2.

CarbonMonoxideSensor 13

A sensor that detects CO.

ContactSensor 14

A sensor that detects physical contact.

Door 15

A door.

Doorbell 32

A doorbell.

Fan 6

The service represents a fan.

Faucet 42
FilterMaintenance 35
GarageDoorOpener 4

The service represents a garage door opener.

HeaterCooler 36
HumidifierDehumidifier 37
HumiditySensor 16

A sensor that monitors the water content of the air.

IrrigationSystem 40
Label 39
LeakSensor 17

A sensor for detecting seepage.

LightBulb 1

The service represents a light bulb.

LightSensor 18

A sensor that monitors luminance.

LockManagement 9

The service manages locks.

LockMechanism 8

The service represents a lock mechanism.

Microphone 30

An audio sensor.

MotionSensor 19

A device that senses movement.

None 0

Indicates the absence of a service.

OccupancySensor 20

A device that detects occupancy using an unspecified technology.

Outlet 7

The service represents an outlet.

SecuritySystem 21

A system that can be armed and will trigger alerts.

Slats 38
SmokeSensor 24

A detector used to monitor smoke or fire.

Speaker 31

A speaker.

StatefulProgrammableSwitch 22

A switch that maintains internal state and rules.

StatelessProgrammableSwitch 23

A switch that does not maintain internal state.

Switch 2

The service represents a switch.

TemperatureSensor 25

A thermometer.

Thermostat 3

The service represents a thermostat.

Valve 41
VentilationFan 34
Window 26

A pane of glass.

WindowCovering 27

Drapes or shades.

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