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HMCharacteristicType Enum


Enumerates known types of HMCharacteristic.

[ObjCRuntime.Introduced(ObjCRuntime.PlatformName.iOS, 8, 0, ObjCRuntime.PlatformArchitecture.All, null)]
[ObjCRuntime.Introduced(ObjCRuntime.PlatformName.TvOS, 10, 0, ObjCRuntime.PlatformArchitecture.All, null)]
public enum HMCharacteristicType
type HMCharacteristicType = 


Active 85

A Boolean that tells whether a service is active.

AdminOnlyAccess 29

A Boolean that indicates whether admin access is required.

AirParticulateDensity 36

A measure of air quality.

AirParticulateSize 37

The size of the particles measured for air quality purposes. The value is an element in the HMCharacteristicValueAirParticulate enum.

AirQuality 38

Measure of air quality. The value is an element in the HMCharacteristicValueAirQuality enum.

AudioFeedback 28

A Boolean that indicates whether a device provides audio feedback.

BatteryLevel 39

A power level. The result is a byte representing the percentage of charge in the range [0..100]

Brightness 4

An integer brightness percentage.

CarbonDioxideDetected 40

Indicates the presence of CO2. The result is a byte where 0 indicates normal CO2 levels.

CarbonDioxideLevel 41

The measured level of CO2. The result is a float indicating CO2 parts-per-million.

CarbonDioxidePeakLevel 42

The highest recorded CO2 level. The resultis a float indicating CO2 parts-per-million.

CarbonMonoxideDetected 43

Indicates the presence of CO. The result is a byte where 0 indicates normal CO levels.

CarbonMonoxideLevel 44

The measured level of CO. The result is a float indicating CO parts-per-million.

CarbonMonoxidePeakLevel 45

The highest measured level of CO. The result is a float indicating CO parts-per-million.

ChargingState 46

A value in HMCharacteristicValueChargingState.

ColorTemperature 115

The color temperature of a light.

ContactState 47

A value in HMCharacteristicValueContactState.

CoolingThreshold 10

A float that indicates the Celsius temperature above which cooling begins.

CurrentAirPurifierState 86

A HMCharacteristicValueCurrentAirPurifierState value that indicates the fan state state.

CurrentDoorState 15

A HMCharacteristicValueDoorState value that indicates the door state.

CurrentFanState 88

A HMCharacteristicValueCurrentFanState value that indicates the fan state state.

CurrentHeaterCoolerState 89

A HMCharacteristicValueCurrentHeaterCoolerState value that indicates the fan state state.

CurrentHeatingCooling 8

A HMCharacteristicValueHeatingCooling value that indicates the heating or cooling state.

CurrentHorizontalTilt 49

A float measuring the tilt from horizontal in degrees.

CurrentHumidifierDehumidifierState 90

A HMCharacteristicValueCurrentHumidifierDehumidifierState value that indicates the fan state state.

CurrentLightLevel 50

The luminance, in lux.

CurrentLockMechanismState 31

A HMCharacteristicValueLockMechanismState value that indicates the lock mechanism state.

CurrentPosition 51

A byte between 0 and 100, representing the percent a door or window is open.

CurrentRelativeHumidity 13

A float that indicates the current relative humidity percentage.

CurrentSecuritySystemState 48

The security system state. Will be a value in HMCharacteristicValueCurrentSecuritySystemState.

CurrentSlatState 91

A HMCharacteristicValueCurrentSlatState value that indicates the lock mechanism state.

CurrentTemperature 6

A float that indicates the current temperature in degrees Celsius.

CurrentTilt 102

The current tilt, in degrees.

CurrentVerticalTilt 52

The current tilt, in degrees.

DehumidifierThreshold 110

The threshold relative humidity at which the dehumidifier starts.

DigitalZoom 82
FilterChangeIndication 93
FilterLifeLevel 94
FilterResetChangeIndication 95
FirmwareVersion 53

Developers should not use this deprecated field. Developers should use 'HMAccessory.FirmwareVersion' instead.

HardwareVersion 54
HeatingCoolingStatus 12

A HMCharacteristicValueHeatingCooling value that indicates the current heating or cooling state.

HeatingThreshold 11

A float that indicates the Celsius temperature below which heating begins.

HoldPosition 55
Hue 2

A float that indicates the hue of a color in degrees.

HumidifierThreshold 111

The relative humidity threshold when the humidifier starts.

Identify 22

A write-only Boolean that is used to identify the device.

ImageMirroring 84
ImageRotation 83
InputEvent 56
InUse 117
IsConfigured 121
LabelIndex 114
LabelNamespace 113
LeakDetected 57

A byte whose value will be either 0 (no leak detected) or 1 (leak detected).

LockManagementAutoSecureTimeout 35

An unsigned 32-bit integer that describes the time in seconds after which an autolockable device will lock.

LockManagementControlPoint 34

TLV8 data, in an NSData object, that specifies a control point for lock management.

LockMechanismLastKnownAction 33

A HMCharacteristicValueLockMechanism value that specifies the last known action taken on the lock.

LockPhysicalControls 96
Logs 27

TLV8 data, in an NSData object, that contains the log data for the accessory.

Manufacturer 19

A string that specifies the accessory manufacturer.

Model 20

A string that specifies the model of the accessory.

MotionDetected 30

A Boolean that indicates whether the accessory has detected movement.

Mute 79
Name 18

A string that contains the name of the accessory.

NightVision 80
NitrogenDioxideDensity 105
None 0

No type is specified.

ObstructionDetected 17

A Boolean that indicates whether the accessory has detected an obstruction.

OccupancyDetected 58

A byte whose value will either be 0 (no occupancy detected) or 1 (occupancy detected).

OpticalZoom 81
OutletInUse 25

A Boolean value that indicates whether an outlet is in use.

OutputState 59
OzoneDensity 104
PM10Density 108
PM2_5Density 107
PositionState 60

The result will be an element in the HMCharacteristicValuePositionState enum.

PowerState 1

A Boolean value that indicates the accessory's power state.

ProgramMode 116
RemainingDuration 119
RotationDirection 23

A HMCharacteristicValueRotationDirection value that indicates the accessory's rotatoin.

RotationSpeed 24

A float that indicates the accessory's rotation speed.

Saturation 3

A float that indicates the saturation of a color.

SecuritySystemAlarmType 112
SelectedStreamConfiguration 77
SerialNumber 21

A string that contains a serial number for an accessory.

SetDuration 118
SetupStreamEndpoint 73
SlatType 101
SmokeDetected 61

A byte that will either be 0 (no smoke detected) or 1 (smoke detected).

SoftwareVersion 62

Returns the accessory's software version in a string.

StatusActive 63

A Boolean indicating whether a service is active.

StatusFault 64

A byte whose value will either be 0 (no fault) or 1 (the system is in a fault state).

StatusJammed 65

A byte whose value will either be 0 (not jammed) or 1 (jammed).

StatusLowBattery 66

A byte whose value will either be 0 (battery level is not low) or 1 (battery is low).

StatusTampered 67

A byte whose value will either be 0 (no tampering detected) or 1 (tampering detected).

StreamingStatus 72
SulphurDioxideDensity 106
SupportedAudioStreamConfiguration 75
SupportedRtpConfiguration 76
SupportedVideoStreamConfiguration 74
SwingMode 97
TargetAirPurifierState 87
TargetDoorState 16

A HMCharacteristicValueDoorState that represents the desired door state.

TargetFanState 100
TargetHeaterCoolerState 98
TargetHeatingCooling 9

A HMCharacteristicValueHeatingCooling that represents the desired heating or cooling state.

TargetHorizontalTilt 69

The desired horizontal tilt, in arc degrees.

TargetHumidifierDehumidifierState 99
TargetLockMechanismState 32

A HMCharacteristicValueLockMechanismState that represents the desired lock mechanism state.

TargetPosition 70
TargetRelativeHumidity 14

A float that indicates the desired percentage of relative humidity.

TargetSecuritySystemState 68
TargetTemperature 7

A float that indicates the desired temperature in degrees Celsius.

TargetTilt 103
TargetVerticalTilt 71

The desired vertical tilt, in arc degrees.

TemperatureUnits 5

A HMCharacteristicValueTemperatureUnit value that indicates the units in which the accessory reports temperature.

ValveType 120
Version 26

A string that contains the version of the accessory.

VolatileOrganicCompoundDensity 109
Volume 78
WaterLevel 92

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