HMError Enum


Enumerates possible failures in Home Kit operations.

[ObjCRuntime.Introduced(ObjCRuntime.PlatformName.iOS, 8, 0, ObjCRuntime.PlatformArchitecture.All, null)]
[ObjCRuntime.Introduced(ObjCRuntime.PlatformName.TvOS, 10, 0, ObjCRuntime.PlatformArchitecture.All, null)]
public enum HMError
type HMError = 


AccessDenied 10

Access to a resource was denied.

AccessoryDiscoveryFailed 57

A failure occurred while attempting to discover an accessory.

AccessoryIsBlocked 61

The accessory was blocked.

AccessoryIsBusy 14

The accessory was busy.

AccessoryNotReachable 4

The accessory could not be reached.

AccessoryOutOfCompliance 66

The accessory was out of compliance.

AccessoryOutOfResources 16

The accessory was out of resources.

AccessoryPairingFailed 18

The accessory could not be paired.

AccessoryPoweredOff 9

The accessory was turned off.

AccessoryResponseError 59

The accessory response indicated an error.

AccessorySentInvalidResponse 50

The accessory's response was invalid.

ActionInAnotherActionSet 30

The action was already in another action set and could not be added.

ActionSetExecutionFailed 63

The action set failed to execute.

ActionSetExecutionInProgress 65

The action set was already in progress.

ActionSetExecutionPartialSuccess 64

The action set partially succeeded.

AddAccessoryFailed 79

The accessory could not be added.

AlreadyExists 1

The container already has the object and another cannot be added.

BridgedAccessoryNotReachable 88

The accessory, expected to be reachable via a bridge, is not reachable.

CannotActivateTriggerTooFarInFuture 71

The trigger could not be activated because it takes place too far into the future.

CannotRemoveBuiltinActionSet 83

The user attempted to remove a non-deletable HMActionSet.

CannotRemoveNonBridgeAccessory 34

The accessory could not be removed because it is bridged.

CannotUnblockNonBridgeAccessory 81

An accessory, accessed via a bridge, cannot be unblocked.

ClientRequestError 58

The was a client request error.

CloudDataSyncInProgress 77

Data was synchronizing.

CommunicationFailure 54

There was a communication error.

DataResetFailure 67

Data resetting failed.

DateMustBeOnSpecifiedBoundaries 70

The date was required to be within specified boundaries, and it was not.

DeviceLocked 82

The device is locked.

FireDateInPast 28

The date the action was to be fired was in the past.

GenericError 52

An unspecified error occurred.

HomeAccessNotAuthorized 47

Home access was not authorized.

HomeWithSimilarNameExists 32

A home with a similar name already exists.

IncompatibleAccessory 93

The accessory could not be added because it was not compatible with HomeKit.

IncompatibleHomeHub 92

The hub was not compatible.

IncompatibleNetwork 90

The network was not compatible.

InsufficientPrivileges 17

The user lacked the privilege to perform the operation.

InvalidAssociatedServiceType 62

The associated service type was invalid.

InvalidClass 22

An invalid abstract base class was used.

InvalidDataFormatSpecified 19

An invalid data format was specified.

InvalidMessageSize 56

The message size was invalid.

InvalidOrMissingAuthorizationData 87

Authorization is required.

InvalidParameter 3

A parameter was invalid.

InvalidValueType 43

Data of an incorrect type were provided.

KeychainSyncNotEnabled 76

Keychain synchronization was not enabled.

LocationForHomeDisabled 84

The user has not made their home's location available.

MaximumObjectLimitReached 49

The maximum number of objects have already been created or stored.

MessageAuthenticationFailed 55

The message could not be authenticated.

MissingEntitlement 80

An entitlement was missing.

MissingParameter 27

A required parameter was missing.

NameContainsProhibitedCharacters 35

The supplied name contains prohibited characters.

NameDoesNotEndWithValidCharacters 60

The supplied name ended with invalid characters.

NameDoesNotStartWithValidCharacters 36

The supplied name started with invalid characters.

NetworkUnavailable 78

The network was unavailable.

NilParameter 20

A parameter that must not be null was supplied as null.

NoActionsInActionSet 25

An operation tried to execute an empty action set.

NoHomeHub 91

No compatible hub could be found.

NoRegisteredActionSets 26

An operation tried to activate a trigger that had no action sets.

NotAuthorizedForLocationServices 85

The user has not explicitly allowed location services.

NotAuthorizedForMicrophoneAccess 89

The user has not explicitly allowed access to the device microphone.

NotFound 2

The object was not found in the container.

NotificationAlreadyEnabled 68

The notification could not be enabled because it already was enabled.

NotificationNotSupported 7

The notification could not be enabled because it is not supported.

NotSignedIntoiCloud 75

The user or application is not signed in to iCloud.

ObjectAlreadyAssociatedToHome 13

The object could not be associated because it was already associated with the home.

ObjectAssociatedToAnotherHome 11

The object could not be associated because it was already associated with another home.

ObjectNotAssociatedToAnyHome 12

The operation could not be performed because the object was not associated with any home.

ObjectWithSimilarNameExistsInHome 31

The object could not be associated because another existing object has a similar name.

OperationCancelled 23

The operation was canceled.

OperationInProgress 15

Another operation was in progress.

OperationNotSupported 48

The operation is not supported.

OperationTimedOut 8

The operation timed out.

ReadOnlyCharacteristic 5

The characteristic cannot be written to.

ReadWriteFailure 74

The read or write failed.

ReadWritePartialSuccess 73

The read or write partially succeeded.

RecurrenceMustBeOnSpecifiedBoundaries 69

The recurrence was required to be within the specified boundaries, and it was not.

RecurrenceTooLarge 72

The recurrence length was too large.

RecurrenceTooSmall 42

The recurrence length was too small.

ReferToUserManual 86

The error should be diagnosed using the user manual.

RenameWithSimilarName 33

An attempt was made to rename an object, but the new name was too similar to an existing object.

RoomForHomeCannotBeInZone 24

The room that specifies the entire home could not be added to a zone within the home.

RoomForHomeCannotBeUpdated 29

An attempt was made to update the room for the entire home.

SecurityFailure 53

There was a security failure.

StringLongerThanMaximum 46

The maximum string length was exceeded.

StringShorterThanMinimum 51

The minimum string length was not met.

UnconfiguredParameter 21

The supplied parameter was not configured.

UnexpectedError -1

An unexpected error occurred..

UserDeclinedAddingUser 38

A user declined to add the user.

UserDeclinedInvite 40

A user declined an invitation from the user.

UserDeclinedRemovingUser 39

The user declined to remove a user.

UserIDNotEmailAddress 37

The supplied user ID was not an email address.

UserManagementFailed 41

An unspecified user management error occurred.

ValueHigherThanMaximum 45

A value exceeded its allowed maximum.

ValueLowerThanMinimum 44

A value did not meet its required minimum.

WriteOnlyCharacteristic 6

The characteristic cannot be read.

Applies to