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AL Class


Provides access to the OpenAL 1.1 flat API.

public static class AL
type AL = class


BindBufferToSource(Int32, Int32)

(Helper) Binds a Buffer to a Source handle.

BindBufferToSource(UInt32, UInt32)

(Helper) Binds a Buffer to a Source handle.

BufferData(Int32, ALFormat, IntPtr, Int32, Int32)
BufferData(UInt32, ALFormat, IntPtr, Int32, Int32)
BufferData<TBuffer>(Int32, ALFormat, TBuffer[], Int32, Int32)

This function deletes one buffer only, freeing the resources used by the buffer. Buffers which are attached to a source can not be deleted. See AL.Source (ALSourcei) and AL.SourceUnqueueBuffers for information on how to detach a buffer from a source.


This function deletes one buffer only, freeing the resources used by the buffer. Buffers which are attached to a source can not be deleted. See AL.Source (ALSourcei) and AL.SourceUnqueueBuffers for information on how to detach a buffer from a source.

DeleteBuffers(Int32, Int32)

This function deletes one or more buffers, freeing the resources used by the buffer. Buffers which are attached to a source can not be deleted. See AL.Source (ALSourcei) and AL.SourceUnqueueBuffers for information on how to detach a buffer from a source.

DeleteBuffers(Int32, Int32*)
DeleteBuffers(Int32, UInt32)

This function deletes one or more buffers, freeing the resources used by the buffer. Buffers which are attached to a source can not be deleted. See AL.Source (ALSourcei) and AL.SourceUnqueueBuffers for information on how to detach a buffer from a source.

DeleteBuffers(Int32, UInt32*)

This function deletes one or more buffers, freeing the resources used by the buffer. Buffers which are attached to a source can not be deleted. See AL.Source (ALSourcei) and AL.SourceUnqueueBuffers for information on how to detach a buffer from a source.


This function deletes one or more buffers, freeing the resources used by the buffer. Buffers which are attached to a source can not be deleted. See AL.Source (ALSourcei) and AL.SourceUnqueueBuffers for information on how to detach a buffer from a source.


This function deletes one buffer only, freeing the resources used by the buffer. Buffers which are attached to a source can not be deleted. See AL.Source (ALSourcei) and AL.SourceUnqueueBuffers for information on how to detach a buffer from a source.


This function deletes one source only.


This function deletes one source only.

DeleteSources(Int32, Int32)

This function deletes one or more sources.

DeleteSources(Int32, UInt32)

This function deletes one or more sources.

DeleteSources(Int32, UInt32*)

This function deletes one or more sources.


This function deletes one or more sources.


This function deletes one or more sources.


AL.DopplerFactor is a simple scaling of source and listener velocities to exaggerate or deemphasize the Doppler (pitch) shift resulting from the calculation.


This function is deprecated and should not be used.


This function generates one buffer only, which contain audio data (see AL.BufferData). References to buffers are uint values, which are used wherever a buffer reference is needed (in calls such as AL.DeleteBuffers, AL.Source with parameter ALSourcei, AL.SourceQueueBuffers, and AL.SourceUnqueueBuffers).


This function generates one buffer only, which contain audio data (see AL.BufferData). References to buffers are uint values, which are used wherever a buffer reference is needed (in calls such as AL.DeleteBuffers, AL.Source with parameter ALSourcei, AL.SourceQueueBuffers, and AL.SourceUnqueueBuffers).


This function generates one or more buffers, which contain audio data (see AL.BufferData). References to buffers are uint values, which are used wherever a buffer reference is needed (in calls such as AL.DeleteBuffers, AL.Source with parameter ALSourcei, AL.SourceQueueBuffers, and AL.SourceUnqueueBuffers).

GenBuffers(Int32, Int32)

This function generates one or more buffers, which contain audio buffer (see AL.BufferData). References to buffers are uint values, which are used wherever a buffer reference is needed (in calls such as AL.DeleteBuffers, AL.Source with parameter ALSourcei, AL.SourceQueueBuffers, and AL.SourceUnqueueBuffers).

GenBuffers(Int32, Int32*)
GenBuffers(Int32, UInt32)

This function generates one or more buffers, which contain audio buffer (see AL.BufferData). References to buffers are uint values, which are used wherever a buffer reference is needed (in calls such as AL.DeleteBuffers, AL.Source with parameter ALSourcei, AL.SourceQueueBuffers, and AL.SourceUnqueueBuffers).

GenBuffers(Int32, UInt32*)

This function generates one or more buffers, which contain audio buffer (see AL.BufferData). References to buffers are uint values, which are used wherever a buffer reference is needed (in calls such as AL.DeleteBuffers, AL.Source with parameter ALSourcei, AL.SourceQueueBuffers, and AL.SourceUnqueueBuffers).


This function generates one source only. References to sources are int values, which are used wherever a source reference is needed (in calls such as AL.DeleteSources and AL.Source with parameter ALSourcei).


This function generates one source only. References to sources are uint values, which are used wherever a source reference is needed (in calls such as AL.DeleteSources and AL.Source with parameter ALSourcei).


This function generates one or more sources. References to sources are int values, which are used wherever a source reference is needed (in calls such as AL.DeleteSources and AL.Source with parameter ALSourcei).

GenSources(Int32, Int32)

This function generates one or more sources. References to sources are int values, which are used wherever a source reference is needed (in calls such as AL.DeleteSources and AL.Source with parameter ALSourcei).

GenSources(Int32, UInt32)

This function generates one or more sources. References to sources are uint values, which are used wherever a source reference is needed (in calls such as AL.DeleteSources and AL.Source with parameter ALSourcei).


This function generates one or more sources. References to sources are int values, which are used wherever a source reference is needed (in calls such as AL.DeleteSources and AL.Source with parameter ALSourcei).

GetBuffer(Int32, ALGetBufferi, Int32)
GetBuffer(UInt32, ALGetBufferi, Int32)

This function returns the enumeration value of an OpenAL token, described by a string.

GetListener(ALListener3f, Single, Single, Single)
GetListener(ALListener3f, Vector3)
GetListener(ALListenerf, Single)
GetListener(ALListenerfv, Single*)
GetListener(ALListenerfv, Vector3, Vector3)

This function returns the address of an OpenAL extension function. Handle with care.

GetSource(Int32, ALGetSourcei, Int32)
GetSource(Int32, ALSource3f, Single, Single, Single)
GetSource(Int32, ALSource3f, Vector3)
GetSource(Int32, ALSourceb, Boolean)
GetSource(Int32, ALSourcef, Single)
GetSource(UInt32, ALGetSourcei, Int32)
GetSource(UInt32, ALSource3f, Single, Single, Single)
GetSource(UInt32, ALSource3f, Vector3)
GetSource(UInt32, ALSourceb, Boolean)
GetSource(UInt32, ALSourcef, Single)

This function tests if a buffer name is valid, returning True if valid, False if not.


This function tests if a buffer name is valid, returning True if valid, False if not.


This function tests if a specific Extension is available for the OpenAL driver.


This function tests if a source name is valid, returning True if valid and False if not.


This function tests if a source name is valid, returning True if valid and False if not.

Listener(ALListener3f, Single, Single, Single)
Listener(ALListener3f, Vector3)
Listener(ALListenerf, Single)
Listener(ALListenerfv, Single[])
Listener(ALListenerfv, Vector3, Vector3)
Source(Int32, ALSource3f, Single, Single, Single)
Source(Int32, ALSource3f, Vector3)
Source(Int32, ALSource3i, Int32, Int32, Int32)
Source(Int32, ALSourceb, Boolean)
Source(Int32, ALSourcef, Single)
Source(Int32, ALSourcei, Int32)
Source(UInt32, ALSource3f, Single, Single, Single)
Source(UInt32, ALSource3f, Vector3)
Source(UInt32, ALSource3i, Int32, Int32, Int32)
Source(UInt32, ALSourceb, Boolean)
Source(UInt32, ALSourcef, Single)
Source(UInt32, ALSourcei, Int32)

This function pauses a source. The paused source will have its state changed to ALSourceState.Paused.

SourcePause(Int32, Int32[])

This function pauses a set of sources. The paused sources will have their state changed to ALSourceState.Paused.

SourcePause(Int32, UInt32)

This function pauses a set of sources. The paused sources will have their state changed to ALSourceState.Paused.

SourcePause(Int32, UInt32*)

This function pauses a set of sources. The paused sources will have their state changed to ALSourceState.Paused.

SourcePause(Int32, UInt32[])

This function pauses a set of sources. The paused sources will have their state changed to ALSourceState.Paused.


This function pauses a source. The paused source will have its state changed to ALSourceState.Paused.


This function plays, replays or resumes a source. The playing source will have it's state changed to ALSourceState.Playing. When called on a source which is already playing, the source will restart at the beginning. When the attached buffer(s) are done playing, the source will progress to the ALSourceState.Stopped state.

SourcePlay(Int32, Int32[])

This function plays a set of sources. The playing sources will have their state changed to ALSourceState.Playing. When called on a source which is already playing, the source will restart at the beginning. When the attached buffer(s) are done playing, the source will progress to the ALSourceState.Stopped state.

SourcePlay(Int32, UInt32)

This function plays a set of sources. The playing sources will have their state changed to ALSourceState.Playing. When called on a source which is already playing, the source will restart at the beginning. When the attached buffer(s) are done playing, the source will progress to the ALSourceState.Stopped state.

SourcePlay(Int32, UInt32*)

This function plays a set of sources. The playing sources will have their state changed to ALSourceState.Playing. When called on a source which is already playing, the source will restart at the beginning. When the attached buffer(s) are done playing, the source will progress to the ALSourceState.Stopped state.

SourcePlay(Int32, UInt32[])

This function plays a set of sources. The playing sources will have their state changed to ALSourceState.Playing. When called on a source which is already playing, the source will restart at the beginning. When the attached buffer(s) are done playing, the source will progress to the ALSourceState.Stopped state.


This function plays, replays or resumes a source. The playing source will have it's state changed to ALSourceState.Playing. When called on a source which is already playing, the source will restart at the beginning. When the attached buffer(s) are done playing, the source will progress to the ALSourceState.Stopped state.

SourceQueueBuffer(Int32, Int32)

This function queues a set of buffers on a source. All buffers attached to a source will be played in sequence, and the number of processed buffers can be detected using AL.GetSource with parameter ALGetSourcei.BuffersProcessed. When first created, a source will be of type ALSourceType.Undetermined. A successful AL.SourceQueueBuffers call will change the source type to ALSourceType.Streaming.

SourceQueueBuffers(Int32, Int32, Int32[])

This function queues a set of buffers on a source. All buffers attached to a source will be played in sequence, and the number of processed buffers can be detected using AL.GetSource with parameter ALGetSourcei.BuffersProcessed. When first created, a source will be of type ALSourceType.Undetermined. A successful AL.SourceQueueBuffers call will change the source type to ALSourceType.Streaming.

SourceQueueBuffers(UInt32, Int32, UInt32)

This function queues a set of buffers on a source. All buffers attached to a source will be played in sequence, and the number of processed buffers can be detected using AL.GetSource with parameter ALGetSourcei.BuffersProcessed. When first created, a source will be of type ALSourceType.Undetermined. A successful AL.SourceQueueBuffers call will change the source type to ALSourceType.Streaming.

SourceQueueBuffers(UInt32, Int32, UInt32*)

This function queues a set of buffers on a source. All buffers attached to a source will be played in sequence, and the number of processed buffers can be detected using AL.GetSource with parameter ALGetSourcei.BuffersProcessed. When first created, a source will be of type ALSourceType.Undetermined. A successful AL.SourceQueueBuffers call will change the source type to ALSourceType.Streaming.

SourceQueueBuffers(UInt32, Int32, UInt32[])

This function queues a set of buffers on a source. All buffers attached to a source will be played in sequence, and the number of processed buffers can be detected using AL.GetSource with parameter ALGetSourcei.BuffersProcessed. When first created, a source will be of type ALSourceType.Undetermined. A successful AL.SourceQueueBuffers call will change the source type to ALSourceType.Streaming.


This function stops the source and sets its state to ALSourceState.Initial.

SourceRewind(Int32, Int32[])

This function stops a set of sources and sets all their states to ALSourceState.Initial.

SourceRewind(Int32, UInt32)

This function stops a set of sources and sets all their states to ALSourceState.Initial.

SourceRewind(Int32, UInt32*)

This function stops a set of sources and sets all their states to ALSourceState.Initial.

SourceRewind(Int32, UInt32[])

This function stops a set of sources and sets all their states to ALSourceState.Initial.


This function stops the source and sets its state to ALSourceState.Initial.


This function stops a source. The stopped source will have it's state changed to ALSourceState.Stopped.

SourceStop(Int32, Int32[])

This function stops a set of sources. The stopped sources will have their state changed to ALSourceState.Stopped.

SourceStop(Int32, UInt32)

This function stops a set of sources. The stopped sources will have their state changed to ALSourceState.Stopped.

SourceStop(Int32, UInt32*)

This function stops a set of sources. The stopped sources will have their state changed to ALSourceState.Stopped.

SourceStop(Int32, UInt32[])

This function stops a set of sources. The stopped sources will have their state changed to ALSourceState.Stopped.


This function stops a source. The stopped source will have it's state changed to ALSourceState.Stopped.


This function unqueues a set of buffers attached to a source. The number of processed buffers can be detected using AL.GetSource with parameter ALGetSourcei.BuffersProcessed, which is the maximum number of buffers that can be unqueued using this call. The unqueue operation will only take place if all n buffers can be removed from the queue.

SourceUnqueueBuffers(Int32, Int32)

This function unqueues a set of buffers attached to a source. The number of processed buffers can be detected using AL.GetSource with parameter ALGetSourcei.BuffersProcessed, which is the maximum number of buffers that can be unqueued using this call. The unqueue operation will only take place if all n buffers can be removed from the queue.

SourceUnqueueBuffers(Int32, Int32, Int32)

This function unqueues a set of buffers attached to a source. The number of processed buffers can be detected using AL.GetSource with parameter ALGetSourcei.BuffersProcessed, which is the maximum number of buffers that can be unqueued using this call. The unqueue operation will only take place if all n buffers can be removed from the queue.

SourceUnqueueBuffers(Int32, Int32, Int32[])

This function unqueues a set of buffers attached to a source. The number of processed buffers can be detected using AL.GetSource with parameter ALGetSourcei.BuffersProcessed, which is the maximum number of buffers that can be unqueued using this call. The unqueue operation will only take place if all n buffers can be removed from the queue.

SourceUnqueueBuffers(UInt32, Int32, UInt32)

This function unqueues a set of buffers attached to a source. The number of processed buffers can be detected using AL.GetSource with parameter ALGetSourcei.BuffersProcessed, which is the maximum number of buffers that can be unqueued using this call. The unqueue operation will only take place if all n buffers can be removed from the queue.

SourceUnqueueBuffers(UInt32, Int32, UInt32*)

This function unqueues a set of buffers attached to a source. The number of processed buffers can be detected using AL.GetSource with parameter ALGetSourcei.BuffersProcessed, which is the maximum number of buffers that can be unqueued using this call. The unqueue operation will only take place if all n buffers can be removed from the queue.

SourceUnqueueBuffers(UInt32, Int32, UInt32[])

This function unqueues a set of buffers attached to a source. The number of processed buffers can be detected using AL.GetSource with parameter ALGetSourcei.BuffersProcessed, which is the maximum number of buffers that can be unqueued using this call. The unqueue operation will only take place if all n buffers can be removed from the queue.


AL.SpeedOfSound allows the application to change the reference (propagation) speed used in the Doppler calculation. The source and listener velocities should be expressed in the same units as the speed of sound.

Applies to