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ALGetSourcei Enum


A list of valid Int32 GetSource parameters

public enum ALGetSourcei
type ALGetSourcei = 


Buffer 4105

Indicate the Buffer to provide sound samples. Type: uint Range: any valid Buffer Handle.

BuffersProcessed 4118

The number of buffers in the queue that have been processed.

BuffersQueued 4117

The number of buffers queued on this source.

ByteOffset 4134

The playback position, expressed in bytes. AL_EXT_OFFSET Extension.

SampleOffset 4133

The playback position, expressed in samples. AL_EXT_OFFSET Extension.

SourceState 4112

The state of the source (Stopped, Playing, etc.) Use the enum AlSourceState for comparison.

SourceType 4135

Source type (Static, Streaming or undetermined). Use enum AlSourceType for comparison.

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