NavigationPage Class


The navigation page instance that Xamarin.Forms created on the iOS platform.

public static class NavigationPage
type NavigationPage = class



Backing store for the attached property that controls whether the navigation bar separator is hidden.


Backing store for the IsNavigationBarTranslucent(IPlatformElementConfiguration<iOS,NavigationPage>) method.


Backing store for the attached property that controls the navigation page's preference for large titles.


Backing store for the attached property that controls whether the status bar text color is adjusted to match the luminosity of the navigation bar for the platform-specific navigation page.



Makes the navigation bar opaque on the platform-specific element.


Makes the navigation bar translucent on the platform-specific element.


Returns true if the separator is hidden. Otherwise, returns false.


Returns a Boolean value that tells whether the navigation bar on the platform-specific navigation page is translucent.


Returns the large title preference of element.


Returns a value that controls whether the status bar text color is adjusted to match the luminosity of the navigation bar for the platform-specific navigation page.


Returns a value that controls whether the status bar text color is adjusted to match the luminosity of the navigation bar for the platform-specific navigation page.


Returns true if the separator is hidden. Otherwise, returns false.


Returns a Boolean value that tells whether the navigation bar on the platform-specific navigation page is translucent.


Returns a value that indicates the element's preference for large titles.

SetHideNavigationBarSeparator(BindableObject, Boolean)

Developers set this to true to hide the separator. Otherwise, false.

SetHideNavigationBarSeparator(IPlatformElementConfiguration<iOS,NavigationPage>, Boolean)

Developers set this to true to hide the separator. Otherwise, false.

SetIsNavigationBarTranslucent(BindableObject, Boolean)

Sets a Boolean value that controls whether the navigation bar on the platform-specific navigation page is translucent.

SetIsNavigationBarTranslucent(IPlatformElementConfiguration<iOS,NavigationPage>, Boolean)

Sets a Boolean value that controls whether the navigation bar on the platform-specific navigation page is translucent.

SetPrefersLargeTitles(BindableObject, Boolean)

Sets the large title preference behavior of element to value.

SetPrefersLargeTitles(IPlatformElementConfiguration<iOS,NavigationPage>, Boolean)

Sets the large title preference behavior of config to value.

SetStatusBarTextColorMode(BindableObject, StatusBarTextColorMode)

Sets a value that controls whether the status bar text color is adjusted to match the luminosity of the navigation bar for the platform-specific navigation page.

SetStatusBarTextColorMode(IPlatformElementConfiguration<iOS,NavigationPage>, StatusBarTextColorMode)

Sets a value that controls whether the status bar text color is adjusted to match the luminosity of the navigation bar for the platform-specific navigation page.

Applies to