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Multi-select ListView
Add the ability to track multiple selections in a ListView

The Xamarin.Forms ListView control only has a single SelectedItem, and cannot represent selection of mulitple rows.

To extend ListView to support multiple-selection we need:

  • a way to represent the selection of multiple rows,
  • a way to track which rows are selected, and
  • a control to select and deselect rows.

The code sample for this recipe includes a simple base class SelectMultipleBasePage<T> that renders a ListView which adds these features:

  • selection state is stored in a WrappedSelection<T> object for each data item in your list,
  • the selected rows can be queried using the GetSelection method,
  • each row uses a Switch to enable (and display) selection status.

To use the SelectMultipleBasePage<T> pass in a List<T> of the objects you want to list (by default the Name property is used for the row text) to a new instance, and push it onto a NavigationPage stack:

var items = new List<CheckItem>();
items.Add (new CheckItem{ Name=""});
items.Add (new CheckItem{ Name="Twitter"});
// ...
items.Add (new CheckItem{ Name="At work"});

multiPage = new SelectMultipleBasePage<CheckItem> (items){ Title = "Check all that apply" };
await Navigation.PushAsync (multiPage);

To find out which rows have been selected, call the GetSelection method:

var answers = multiPage.GetSelection();

Possible Enhancements

The generic base class provides the WrappedSelection<T> class so that your data model doesn't need to be aware of the selection state; but you could update the code so that selecting an item in the list automatically sets a bool property on your model.

The WrappedItemSelectionTemplate is provided as the default rendering for each row: it binds a Name property (if found) to display in each row, along with a Switch control. You can edit this template to change the way each row is displayed.

Xamarin.Forms doesn't have a built-in checkbox control, so this sample uses the Switch. You could replace the switch with your own custom code, which could use images or the background color or some alternate way to represent the selected state visually.

The base class expects to be hosted inside a NavigationPage because it populates the ToolbarItems collection with the All and None buttons. You could add an alternate user-interface for these features so that the control could be hosted in a modal page.


This recipe provides a simple base class to build a multi-select-capable ListView. It also lists some enhancements that are possible.


SelectMultipleBasePage<T> was written by Glenn Stephens from Xamarin University!

## Complete Source

The complete source for SelectMultipleBasePage<T> is shown below:

using System;

using Xamarin.Forms;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;

namespace Multiselect
	* based on
	public class SelectMultipleBasePage<T> : ContentPage
		public class WrappedSelection<T> : INotifyPropertyChanged
			public T Item { get; set; }
			bool isSelected = false;
			public bool IsSelected {
				get {
					return isSelected;
					if (isSelected != value) {
						isSelected = value;
						PropertyChanged (this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs ("IsSelected"));
//						PropertyChanged (this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs (nameof (IsSelected))); // C# 6
			public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged = delegate {};
		public class WrappedItemSelectionTemplate : ViewCell
			public WrappedItemSelectionTemplate() : base ()
				Label name = new Label();
				name.SetBinding(Label.TextProperty, new Binding("Item.Name"));
				Switch mainSwitch = new Switch();
				mainSwitch.SetBinding(Switch.IsToggledProperty, new Binding("IsSelected"));
				RelativeLayout layout = new RelativeLayout();
				layout.Children.Add (name,
					Constraint.Constant (5),
					Constraint.Constant (5),
					Constraint.RelativeToParent (p => p.Width - 60),
					Constraint.RelativeToParent (p => p.Height - 10)
				layout.Children.Add (mainSwitch,
					Constraint.RelativeToParent (p => p.Width - 55),
					Constraint.Constant (5),
					Constraint.Constant (50),
					Constraint.RelativeToParent (p => p.Height - 10)
				View = layout;
		public List<WrappedSelection<T>> WrappedItems = new List<WrappedSelection<T>>();
		public SelectMultipleBasePage(List<T> items)
			WrappedItems = items.Select (item => new WrappedSelection<T> () { Item = item, IsSelected = false }).ToList ();
			ListView mainList = new ListView () {
				ItemsSource = WrappedItems,
				ItemTemplate = new DataTemplate (typeof(WrappedItemSelectionTemplate)),
			mainList.ItemSelected += (sender, e) => {
				if (e.SelectedItem == null) return;
				var o = (WrappedSelection<T>)e.SelectedItem;
				o.IsSelected = !o.IsSelected;
				((ListView)sender).SelectedItem = null; //de-select
			Content = mainList;
			ToolbarItems.Add (new ToolbarItem ("All", null, SelectAll, ToolbarItemOrder.Primary));
			ToolbarItems.Add (new ToolbarItem ("None", null, SelectNone, ToolbarItemOrder.Primary));
		void SelectAll ()
			foreach (var wi in WrappedItems) {
				wi.IsSelected = true;
		void SelectNone ()
			foreach (var wi in WrappedItems) {
				wi.IsSelected = false;
		public List<T> GetSelection()
			return WrappedItems.Where (item => item.IsSelected).Select (wrappedItem => wrappedItem.Item).ToList ();