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Mono For Android 1.2.0


Visual Studio Users: Download monoandroid-1.2.0.msi and install.

MonoDevelop Users: You should be prompted to upgrade next time you open MonoDevelop, or you can use Help->Check for Updates.

Major Highlights

Garbage Collection: There are many important bug fixes to the garbage collector specific to Android. Every Mono for Android user is encouraged to upgrade to this release.

Android SDK Fixes: We now work around the Android SDK bug which prevented the emulator from launching when the Android SDK directory contained spaces.

Changes Since Mono for Android 1.0.3

Garbage Collection

  • A significant slowdown during collection that could affect some users under some very specific cases was fixed.
  • A bug related to object finalization and disposal was fixed.

Visual Studio Add-in

  • The Android Device Logging window (View->Other Windows->Android Device Logging) has been beefed up with features for sorting and filtering, and is automatically connected up to your device when you start debugging.

Runtime Changes

  • Unhandled exceptions should now print a full stack trace on adb logcat, instead of silently killing the process.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed exception within Android.Runtime.JavaArray.Clear(), Android.Runtime.JavaList.Clear(), Android.Runtime.JavaSet.Clear().


Warning: Samsung shipped a broken kernel with Android 2.1, which is not able to support JIT compilation. If you possess a Galaxy-class device with Android 2.1, you will get unexpected results, this is caused by a kernel bug that breaks cache coherency, rendering any engine doing JIT compilation useless. Check with your manufacturer/carrier for an Android 2.2 update.