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176 lines (146 loc) · 6.73 KB

File metadata and controls

176 lines (146 loc) · 6.73 KB
id title
watchOS 10.0.1 to 10.2.0

API diff


<style scoped=""> .obsolete { color: gray; } .added { color: green; } .removed-inline { text-decoration: line-through; } .removed-breaking-inline { color: red;} .added-breaking-inline { text-decoration: underline; } .nonbreaking { color: black; } .breaking { color: red; } </style> <script type="text/javascript">
// Only some elements have 'data-is-[non-]breaking' attributes. Here we
// iterate over all descendents elements, and set 'data-is-[non-]breaking'
// depending on whether there are any descendents with that attribute.
function propagateDataAttribute (element)
	if (element.hasAttribute ('data-is-propagated'))

	var i;
	var any_breaking = element.hasAttribute ('data-is-breaking');
	var any_non_breaking = element.hasAttribute ('data-is-non-breaking');
	for (i = 0; i < element.children.length; i++) {
		var el = element.children [i];
		propagateDataAttribute (el);
		any_breaking |= el.hasAttribute ('data-is-breaking');
		any_non_breaking |= el.hasAttribute ('data-is-non-breaking');
	if (any_breaking)
		element.setAttribute ('data-is-breaking', null);
	else if (any_non_breaking)
		element.setAttribute ('data-is-non-breaking', null);
	element.setAttribute ('data-is-propagated', null);

function hideNonBreakingChanges ()
	var topNodes = document.querySelectorAll ('[data-is-topmost]');
	var n;
	var i;
	for (n = 0; n < topNodes.length; n++) {
		propagateDataAttribute (topNodes [n]);
		var elements = topNodes [n].querySelectorAll ('[data-is-non-breaking]');
		for (i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) {
			var el = elements [i];
			if (!el.hasAttribute ('data-original-display'))
				el.setAttribute ('data-original-display',; = 'none';
	var links = document.getElementsByClassName ('hide-nonbreaking');
	for (i = 0; i < links.length; i++)
		links [i].style.display = 'none';
	links = document.getElementsByClassName ('restore-nonbreaking');
	for (i = 0; i < links.length; i++)
		links [i].style.display = '';

function showNonBreakingChanges ()
	var elements = document.querySelectorAll ('[data-original-display]');
	var i;
	for (i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) {
		var el = elements [i]; = el.getAttribute ('data-original-display');

	var links = document.getElementsByClassName ('hide-nonbreaking');
	for (i = 0; i < links.length; i++)
		links [i].style.display = '';
	links = document.getElementsByClassName ('restore-nonbreaking');
	for (i = 0; i < links.length; i++)
		links [i].style.display = 'none';



[Hide non-breaking changes](javascript: hideNonBreakingChanges (); ) [Show non-breaking changes](javascript: showNonBreakingChanges (); )

Namespace HomeKit

Type Changed: HomeKit.HMCameraSnapshotControlDelegate

Added method:

	public virtual void DidUpdateMostRecentSnapshot (HMCameraSnapshotControl cameraSnapshotControl);

Type Changed: HomeKit.HMCameraSnapshotControlDelegate_Extensions

Added method:

	public static void DidUpdateMostRecentSnapshot (IHMCameraSnapshotControlDelegate This, HMCameraSnapshotControl cameraSnapshotControl);

Namespace ObjCRuntime

Type Changed: ObjCRuntime.Constants

Modified fields:

public const string SdkVersion = "3.0" "3.1";
public const string Version = "10.0.0" "10.2.0";

Namespace PassKit

Type Changed: PassKit.PKPaymentNetwork

Added properties:

	public static Foundation.NSString Jcb { get; }
	public static Foundation.NSString Suica { get; }

New Type PassKit.PKSuicaPassProperties

public class PKSuicaPassProperties : Foundation.NSObject, Foundation.INSObjectProtocol, ObjCRuntime.INativeObject, System.IDisposable, System.IEquatable<Foundation.NSObject> {
	// constructors
	public PKSuicaPassProperties ();
	protected PKSuicaPassProperties (Foundation.NSObjectFlag t);
	protected PKSuicaPassProperties (IntPtr handle);
	// properties
	public virtual bool Blacklisted { get; }
	public override IntPtr ClassHandle { get; }
	public virtual bool GreenCarTicketUsed { get; }
	public virtual bool InShinkansenStation { get; }
	public virtual bool InStation { get; }
	public virtual Foundation.NSDecimalNumber TransitBalance { get; }
	public virtual string TransitBalanceCurrencyCode { get; }
	// methods
	public static PKSuicaPassProperties GetPassProperties (PKPass pass);