Xamarin.Mac - XMLocalizationSample

This sample shows two methods for localization your Xamarin.Mac application:

  • .resx files
  • Storyboard string files.

Due to bug https://bugzilla.xamarin.com/show_bug.cgi?id=45696, where resx file localization is not being handled correctly during builds, custom MSBuild has been added to make things work. See CustomBuildActions.targets for details.

XMLocalizationSample application screenshot

To add storyboard localization in Xcode:

  • Open Main.storyboard in Xcode, select it in the Xcode project tree, then click "Localize" in the first tab of the right inspector.


  • Then select the root project in the project tree, change the upper dropdown to point to the project.

    Choose target

  • Then enable Base localization.

    Use base internationalization checkbox

  • Then add the specific languages in question.

    Localization sample in Xcode

  • Close Xcode and delete Main.storyboard from your project, as it now is copied into specific Resources/ folder.

Build Requirements

OS X 10.11, Xcode 8.0 or later


OS X 10.11


Released under the MIT license