Xamarin.Android - TreePager

TreePager is a sample app that accompanies the article, ViewPager.

This sample demonstrates how to use ViewPager and PagerTabStrip together to implement a simple image gallery of deciduous and evergreen trees. The user swipes left and right through a tree catalog. On each page of the catalog, the name of the tree is listed in the PagerTabStrip and an image of the tree is displayed in an ImageView. Because of the relative simplicity of this app, the added complexity of using Fragments is unnecessary.

The heavy lifting of this app takes place in TreePagerAdapter.cs, which adapts a tree catalog (implemented in TreeCatalog.cs) to a ViewPager that is located and initialized in MainActivity.cs. The ViewPager layout includes a PagerTabStrip in Main.axml. Note that this app depends on Android Support Library v4.

TreePager  application screenshot


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