Xamarin.Android - AppShortcuts Sample

This sample demonstrates how to use the Launcher Shortcuts API introduced in Android 7.1 (API 25). This API allows an application to define a set of Intents which are displayed as when a user long-presses on the app's launcher icon. Examples are given for registering both links both statically in XML, as well as dynamically at runtime.

AppShortcuts Sample application screenshot


You can use the shortcuts feature in Android 7.1 (API 25) to bring users from the launcher directly to key actions within your app. Users simply long-press your app's launcher icon to reveal the app's shortcuts, then tap on a shortcut to jump to the associated action. These shortcuts are a great way to engage users, and they let you surface the functionality of your app even before users launch your app.

Build Requirements

Using this sample requires the Android 7.1 (API 25) and the Xamarin.Android 7.1.99 or higher.


Copyright (c) 2016 The Android Open Source Project, Inc.
Ported from Android AppShortcuts Sample.